When my classmates play games happily outside, I have to stay at home and look out of the window alone.
We had to stay at home, and I felt quite bored.
When we were fighting against COVID-19 and had to stay at home, I always read news and watched videos about it.
We have been at home, but I admire the healthcare workers who have risked their lives every day to help us stay healthy and safe.
"I think people like knowing that they're not alone even if they have to stay at home and they really try to pick out those who are similar to themselves in the photos," she said.
As she looked out at the congregation, she spoke confidently, "I would like for my grandma to have church." She cannot walk, and she and my grandpa have to stay at home.
I learned how to keep my files in order, how to stay on top of my paperwork, to be organized at home and work.
It means I can stay at home, which is where I want to be. I have children to look after and school fees to pay.
Eventually, I found a home for the rest of my stay at Oxford with Strobe Talbott and Frank Aller, at 46 Leckford Road.
I mean, I can stay at home with my son while still earning a good income, I have flexible hours, and I'm pretty much guaranteed to never be out of work.
Or should I marry and be a stay-at-home housewife, support my husband and educate my child?
When I became a stay at home mom this natural tendency to be at home started reeking havoc on my moods and I was becoming a bit of a hermit.
Sorry, I shouldn't have rushed you, but I just couldn't stay at home and wait.
"I have literally been told, 'Why don't you stay at home and learn how to cook and find yourself a husband,'" said Ms. Gilly, who is married.
I was regularly late to work, and called in sick at least once every two weeks so I could stay home and play.
I must tell you that your colleagues and you were so hospitalized that I almost felt at home during my stay in your honored school.
Honestly, from deep inside, if it wasn't for how much I loved the driving, I love my kids and family and I would just stay at home to not be in this cold English weather.
'my mom was a stay-at-home mom and cooked everything from scratch, so in my mind I should be doing it,' Ms. MacMillan says.
Skip class, and roommate asked me why I skip class, I answered, she said, had this weather is suitable for stay at home.
Not all men bring home the bacon! I know a lot of women who work and their husbands are stay-at-home dads!
At weekend, I always stay at home for a good rest, watch TV, do homework and sometimes I will help my parents do the housework and go to gerocomium to talk with the old people.
If the person works very hard to buy the house and he has less time to stay at home, because he needs to pay the bill, then I don't think he is happy.
At usual, I will stay at home and do nothing when the semester ends and the holiday begins.
Actually, I don't really like such crowded and noisy party. I prefer to stay at home and listen to music.
It's rainy today. I hate to go out on rainy days. My clothes get dirty on rainy days. Let's stay at home and yell English.
It's rainy today. I hate to go out on rainy days. My clothes get dirty on rainy days. Let's stay at home and yell English.