I thought about the girls and I thought about you, and I thought about what would have happened if you and Moira had gotten together, if she was the one who had gotten pregnant.
When you are reading, I want you to think about that and why that kind of thought would be relevant to the readers of his time.
I should never have thought, dear boy of mine, that you were so dainty and fussy about your food.
I sent them in about a week ago, but I haven't heard anything back yet, so I thought I'd stop by and see, but I guess you haven't looked at them yet .
What now? I thought, as she rustled through the door and took me aside. "I want to talk to you about Jonathan," she said. .
So I thought the shortest way was to go straight to Countess Olenska and explain — by the merest hint, you know — how we feel in New York about certain things.
I myself have often, and unobserved by you, seen you in the British Museum walking about in the depth of thought, and I liked you for it.
I recently thought about how to find opportunities, and I came across this thought: how many opportunities you find is proportional to how many overlooked things you discover.
I wondered if you ever thought about us, the children and the wife, that we are made of flesh and blood, that we have feelings, that we could get hurt, very hurt, devastatingly hurt.
Since it is Easter tomorrow and you will probably eat more chocolate than you normally do, I thought it would be nice to post something about these delightful treats today.
I mean, that first documentary you started-the one about how I looked like him, and I was destined to act like him-to be honest, I thought it was plain meanspirited. And kind of presumptuous.
So you, with that impressive resume and the big speech about your so-called work ethic - I, um - I thought you would be different.
I’m passionate about people keeping a healthy work/life balance and thought I’d share ways I found to make overtime work for you.
Have you thought about it, that I'm a little bit taller than this object and that therefore maybe effectively the length of the string has become a little less if I sit up like this?
And I started to think about what would that appliance mean if you thought of it in an enterprise context.
So I thought I'd enlighten you a little bit on that, and also give you some things to think about in your own relationship.
About 6, I am grilling burgers, I thought you and John might like to come over.
I just posted about my morning routine, and thought you might like to know how I get up at 4:30 a.m.
You fail to take advantage of opportunities: There has probably been more than one occasion where you heard about someone who has made it big and thought to yourself, "I could have thought of that."
你不能抓住机会 :很多时候,你听说某个人想了个点子还用它干了件大事,这时候你会想:“这个我也想过嘛!”
He would bang the desk, his neck would bulge still further and go red. "you can say what you like," he would cry, "but I've thought about this - and I know what I think!"
I knew this guy many years ago and I thought about him today as I sat down to write this piece for you, dear class of 2013.
And I was thinking, have you thought about playing your songs for kids?
Dr Marsha: I think it's very hard for him to talk to you about all this and I thought maybe you and I could talk maybe it would make Jonah feel a little better, Sam?
I thought a lot about what you said, and this morning I told her how much I loved her... and loved being married to her.
Sir, I have heard a great deal about you from my father, and I came partly out of curiosity, and partly because I thought that you might join us if I could be sufficiently persuasive.
I often thought about what that took, knowing the climate of The Times and what could have happened to you, what it took to stay seated.
I often thought about what that took, knowing the climate of The Times and what could have happened to you, what it took to stay seated.