Design the POR for related materials and keep in contact with the supplier.
By tracking down people who have been in contact with COVID-19 patients, health researchers can warn them, and keep COVID-19 from spreading further.
Keep in touch with friends, acquaintances and, colleagues. And don't stop after your initial contact.
Make sure you put your new friends on your networking list and make it a point to keep in close contact with them.
Scientists have devised software which will allow smart phones to do much more than keep you in contact with family and friends.
I will keep in contact with my readers through a newsletter and through polls that I will post weekly on the blog (I feel that a lot of you really like those polls They are fun!)
You also might contact the person to express your displeasure and politely request that he or she keep your professional reputation in mind in the future.
We will continue to follow this case, keep close communication and contact with the Russian side and guarantee the lawful rights and interests of the Chinese businessmen in Russia.
FromLogin/SignUp forms, to contact forms and other types of forms, we need to keep in mind that the point of those forms is to get the user’s attention and make them want to fill in the info.
It's a social network that helps financial advisors keep in contact with clients - but is also in compliance with the rules from the SEC, FINRA and FSA.
Extensive testing ensures that materials hold up in the retail setting, and constant contact with customers helps keep projects on schedule.
Keep credit card photocopies while on the road (in a safe place), so you know the card number and how to contact the lost-or-stolen hotline in case of trouble.
Talk to your close friends and family about your thoughts, dreams and fears for your new venture before you leave and make sure you keep in regular contact after you arrive and during your time away.
This year, real estate companies and financial institutions keep close contact, but also in real estate secondary market for an important cause of warming.
You should also keep a list of family and friends Numbers, in case the British consular representatives need to contact them.
I wish time can stay here, so she doesn't have to grow up, and not in the darkness of the contact with the society, don't worry about life, can keep a pure heart to see the world.
There is no better advertisement than word of mouth. Districts should keep in contact with former team members and encourage them to promote the program.
We will keep in mind your requirement for Walnutmeat and shall contact you once it is available.
Keep contact with receiving clerks and store personnel. Do the examination before acceptance in accordance with the order or agreement. Deal with urge the supplier to deliver goods timely.
Sending units shall keep in close contact with students studying abroad and take the initiative to care for their work and lives.
It seems that telephone shortens the distance between people, and people can keep in contact with each other by it.
We wil keep in mind your requirement for... and shall contact you once it is available.
Because I am from Canada and I live in China, I keep in contact with my family and my friends using the computer.
We will keep in mind your requirement for shirts and shall contact you once it is available.
E-mail and cell phones also make it easier for the students to keep in contact with their own families back home.
Keep a close contact with all specialist sub-contractors, solve the issues in technology, work procedure and coordination.
As we have no... in stock, we regret being unable to offer. But we'll keep in mind your requirement and shall contact you once it is available.
As we have no... in stock, we regret being unable to offer. But we'll keep in mind your requirement and shall contact you once it is available.