In a nutshell, there appears to be a peculiar lack of confidence in Africans to react to market incentives like everyone else does and to benefit from globalization.
Like everyone else with software to sell, top-tier game developers are flocking to the iPhone, and gamers are reaping big rewards.
We will run the race like everyone else. We have to be ready to run and we are equal partners in the race.
Like Bill Gates and unlike almost everyone else in the industry, Dell really likes what he does for a living.
When you were a kid and wanted to do something your parents or teachers didn't like, you may have heard the question, "If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you?"
Putting your phone screen-up on the table is like ordering dessert — one person does it and everyone else follows suit.
Immediately afterwards everyone else rated that person on two scales: how much they liked them and whether they would like to get to know them more (sounds frightening for your first day!).
This, and the club is too loud to talk, so after a couple of drinks, everyone feels like the center of attention but completely cutoff from participating with anyone else.
Like almost everyone else at NASA, Cain had taken the managers at their word-and he still did.
It's like spray-painting the Grand Canyon, or drawing a mustache on the Mona Lisa. Why would anyone do something like that and ruin it for everyone else?
It will be like a big brain that can transfer information, ideas and learning to everyone else.
The other day—as I was making my excuses about the podcast and invoking the fact that I, like everyone else, must eventually turn to dust—a friend of mine lay dying.
I was an awkward child. Tall, gangly, and, like everyone else in my family, severely myopic.
They've got to show Sir Alex and everyone else that behaviour like this will not be tolerated.
If bears predict a crash and are proved wrong, they look like fools; if they are proved right, they suffer with everyone else when the economy dips.
I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else, all of us separately chasing the same thing.
It was a very carefree experience and I was eager to celebrate just like everyone else my age, but unfortunately Italy didn't manage to reach the Final and it was Germany that won.
Eventually, businessmen might say: Let's dump the Los Angeles peso and just use the dollar, like everyone else.
In this regard, he is "like everyone else" : he has the moral code of his likes and dislikes.
Stop worrying about what you should wear based on how everyone else will be dressed and instead just put something on that you like.
In some countries, like China, Japan, and some African nations, the food’s the thing, so don’t start chatting about your day’s adventures while everyone else is digging into dinner.
In some countries, like China, Japan, and some African nations, the food's the thing, so don't start chatting about your day's adventures while everyone else is digging into dinner.
Others say they hope that the villa becomes a normal city neighbourhood. "We want to pay our electricity bills, and be Argentines like everyone else," says Maria martinez, another resident.
还有一些人说,他们希望Villa 31号能成为城市里一座正常的街区,另一位居民玛丽亚·马丁尼兹就说:“我们希望支付电费,和其他的阿根廷人一样的待遇。”
When you were a kid and wanted to do something your parents or teachers didn’t like, you may have heard the question, “If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you?”
So it came to pass that I started logging on to Facebook. And, like seemingly everyone else I'd ever met, eventually s "friended" me.
“I’m trying to tell people, ” says Graham, “people like Daniel Woods and Adam Ondra, who are just physically stronger than everyone else, chipped routes are truly, truly, truly not that hard.”
“I’m trying to tell people, ” says Graham, “people like Daniel Woods and Adam Ondra, who are just physically stronger than everyone else, chipped routes are truly, truly, truly not that hard.”