Abnormal mind, social custom and many other factors attribute to this phenomenon.
Intangible assets is a crystallized collection of science and technology and many other factors.
The nuclear sclerosis and opacities are also associated with environment, diet, metabolism and many other factors.
Each one foresees a particular range of sea level rises, depending on ice-melts, temperature rises and many other factors.
On-the-job experience, better equipment, more effective business practices, and many other factors will also be critical for success.
Reading is a common cultural phenomenon in human society, subject to media technology, transmission measures, and many other factors.
In the tender process and to take into account such as the price of books, professional category, quality, service, and many other factors.
Global development, competition, cost management and many other factors raised need to create more transparency in product development management.
Financial essence, the law of economy and economic management system, and many other factors, decided and determined the financial functions.
In addition, the prosperous commercial, well-developed transport and many other factors common to build a Chengdong extraordinary magnanimity.
USC evaluates prospective students through an individualized, comprehensive review process that takes these, and many other factors, into account.
These are the things that exist because of cultural background, cultural habits, economic development or not, and many other factors caused by the impact;
People live longer, can not achieve the tonic, but with a number of factors, including mental, nutrition, genetics, living conditions and many other factors.
For the effect of natural condition and many other factors, the utilization of water resources is very low and the problem of lacking water is serious in Dalian area.
In a previous column, I discussed how valuing a startup is more driven by market conditions, comparable companies, exit potential, future capital needs and many other factors.
Management needs to be able to analyze inventory levels, cycle time, wait time, throughput, equipment and personnel utilization, and many other factors at all points in the process.
Since the chemical composition of crude oil is complicated and many other factors affect the emulsion process, it is difficult to choose exact demulsifying agent for exact oil.
Selecting the best type of reactor for any particular chemical reaction, taking into consideration safety, hazard analysis, scale-up, and many other factors is essential to any industrial problem.
Linguistic factors influence how we judge personality, intelligence, social status, educational standards, job aptitude, and many other areas of identity and social survival.
Succession is influenced by many factors: the nature of the soil, exposure to sun and wind, regularity of precipitation, chance colonizations, and many other random processes.
Piano designers balance tension and stiffness of music wire, but many other factors are considered as well.
Many other factors in the environment can affect performance, including network utilization, other programs on the server, denial of service attacks, and tripping over the power cord.
Many factors affect inflation, including slack in resource utilization, inflation expectations, exchange rates, and the prices of oil and other commodities.
Of course, many other factors in addition to years of schooling affect the earnings of women and men.
Yet many other factors influence murder rates—unemployment, the probability of getting caught, the availability of guns, the proportion of young men in the population and so on.
Many more factors come into play, such as disk and network speed, other things running on the computer, and the fact that the daemon is running in debugging mode.
Adibi added that many factors are different in New York city and Krakow - such as diet, lifestyle, ethnicity and other contaminants.
Experts last week revised their estimate of how many people will get cancer in their lifetime from about a third to 42%, because of ageing, obesity and other factors.
Intelligence by itself is not enough for one to succeed; many other factors such as diligence and courage must be taken into consideration.
Exactly what these other factors are and how they interact with warfare are things that Fukuyama finds too complex to describe in any general way, even though he tries in many contexts.
到底这些“其它因素”是什么以及这些因素是如何与战争相互作用促成了国家的形成? 作者认为这个问题太过于复杂以至于不能用一种通用的方式来描述,尽管他在不同的地方作了很多次的努力。