I've expressed my concerns to my daughter and now she says she might not visit at all.
We now live in an age of plastic, she says, "and what we decide to collect today, what we decide to preserve … will have a strong impact on how in the future we'll be seen."
As Somaliland's first archaeologist, Mire is now on a mission to preserve and protect what she says is a heritage at risk of disappearing.
More and more now, she says, art workshops have become essential therapy—so much that she cannot imagine this psychiatric unit without them.
"Of course it's still a work in progress, but now I'm a much more confident speaker and writer," she says.
Indeed, she now says she intends to Sue for harassment, and justifiably.
She recalls, “When I finally got the courage to come out to my dad, he said, ‘Oh, yeah, I knew that.’ ” Now, Alissa says, she and Haggis have a “working relationship.
Lauren Ortega says she and Joseph now plan to marry.
Looking back, she says, "Over dinner and drinks, I should have stopped touching." Now she warns others to pay careful attention to how your actions are being received.
Horvitz now says. "She can think like very few other people in a rigorous and creative way, and so has repeatedly developed new kinds of approaches."
"She buried him with this disease, and she's now going to bury my brother and then me, most probably," he says.
And she says the need to reach out to the rest of the world is more important now than ever before for the United States.
Now, however, Dr. Hirsch says she joyfully embraces “the astonishing unity of the physical brain and the mind” for the potential it clearly holds for improving the lot of humankind.
Mrs Clinton now says NAFTA was bad for America, that she always thought so and that Mr Obama is lying when he suggests otherwise.
Her decision to open up now about the reason behind her treatment, she says, stems from her hope to quell rumors and highlight the serious nature of depression.
"I am relieved and happy that the court process is over and that justice was served, but it is incredibly difficult now, just trying to find new work," she says.
She says the volatile swing in stock prices in Asia and an increased demand for gold are temporary moves by investors to play it safe, for now.
She's now 34, an orthodox Jew and married with two children - who, she says, she wants to grow up normally.
But she has learnt lessons, says Mr Nemyria, and is now more pragmatic.
She also says Dell claimed it was now too late to get Windows and any changes she made herself would void her warranty.
Emilce has rebuilt her life, thanks, she says, to the help of her then boyfriend and now husband who waited for her to be released.
She did not press charges at the time, and her lawyer says she will not do so, for now.
She worked remotely for her old employer until October, and has been looking for a full-time position for more than a year now, but says she can't even get in the door for an interview.
She hands the pearls to you and says, "From now on, I'm back to being 'Lentil.'"
Somaliland's first archaeologist, Mire is now on a mission to preserve and protect what she says is a heritage at risk of disappearing.
Somaliland's first archaeologist, Mire is now on a mission to preserve and protect what she says is a heritage at risk of disappearing.