The Russian heat wave has persisted since late June, with daytime temperatures at least 12 Fahrenheit degrees above normal - and often much more - for over a month.
Linux hosts always fill their process tables with a bunch of more-or-less simultaneous programs: network protocol daemons, cron managers, the kernel itself, and often much more.
Charlie, you often complain that accountants are the root of much evil and also even more folly.
Because she often visits markets and small out-of-the-way places, she sees much more of the country she visits than an ordinary tourist would.
Side tables can avoid much of the XML parsing for CLOBs and can often make CLOB queries 100 times faster or more.
索引表能够避免许多针对 CLOB的XML解析,这通常能够使CLOB查询速度快 100倍或更多。
The physical infrastructure for housing computers or machine rooms is often much more complicated and involved than those housing mere humans.
We all know that much of early-stage technology startup success comes from execution and often what you're working on today will be rolled out more seriously over the next several months.
Dogs and cats most often suffer from diabetes, dental disease and much more.
However much fans pay to get into a venue (and thanks to ticket touts they often pay more than even the greediest artists charge) they tend to have cash left over.
I volunteer because... it often lets me get closer to a community, the people and the region - I discover so much more than simply having travelled through.
We expect much more of ourselves than we do of others, and this often leads to dissatisfaction as we forget to celebrate each success and just push those goal posts out a bit further.
They are much more effective than carbohydrates found in the chocolates, biscuits and sweets often relied on for a quick energy boost.
Japan and South Korea are much more creative, but they still often improve products and services initially invented in the West.
Thus, the concept of personal responsibility is much more complicated and unrealistic than is often assumed.
An alternative theory is that cats above this height simply die more often or have much more serious injuries and so aren’t brought into the veterinarian clinic at all. This seems likely enough.
Social Mediasocial media is often viewed as just another marketing channel: it is of course so much more; it is a completely different approach to interacting with consumers and customers.
Open biopsies are no more accurate but are far more complicated, requiring sedation or general anesthesia, incisions, stitches, often scars, and a much higher risk of infection.
You enjoy being with the beloved just as much as, and often even more than, you like doing the intrinsically valuable activities.
GUI testing is much more time-consuming and difficult than unit testing and thus often neglected, even in generally test-driven development teams.
Other official data suggest Mexicans eat about twice as much meat as they did in 1990, and visit the cinema four times as often, while retail square-footage has more than tripled since 1993.
This shift in focus is important because it is more robust, and because in today's online world it is often much easier to gather lots of examples than to interview an expert.
Often people's behaviour, and our own, may say very little about our personalities and much more about the complexities of the situation in which we find ourselves.
Most bad data is much less egregious, and is more often a result of typos, transposed tracks, and the like.
Counting the number of unemployed people isn't a simple task even in countries with much more sophisticated survey techniques, and there is often wide variation in estimates.
Agents can often perform reading functions more quickly and reliably than human readers, although they have much greater difficulty placing items in a context.
Very often people will continue to explain the intricacies of their thinking about the problem and you'll gain much more insight into where they are really stuck and what they can do about it.
Cheap stocks seem to get much cheaper and expensive stocks more often than not, get much more expensive.
How often do typical people forget directions, or fail to take note of colors, names, and other details? People on the autism spectrum are often much more tuned in to details.
How often do typical people forget directions, or fail to take note of colors, names, and other details? People on the autism spectrum are often much more tuned in to details.