Getting rid of the bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, and stay up all night, is also an important to keep healthy.
During my internship, I was chronically sleep-deprived because I had to be at the hospital and stay up all night every third night.
He put some in his nose more or less out of curiosity, felt nothing, but was then astounded to find that he wanted to stay up all night writing music, and was still lively the next day.
That’s why people who fall in love stay up all night talking and it feels really exciting.
The ministry said state broadcaster CCTV's annual Spring Festival Gala is too noisy for the eve, when family members should get together and stay up quietly all night.
教育部称央视春晚太闹不适合年三十,年三十应该是家人团聚、安静守岁的时刻。 教育部举办的春晚将"主打文化内涵"。
"That crazy rat!" thought Wilbur. "Why does he have to stay up all night, grinding his clashers and destroying people's property?"
However, sometimes when stress from my workload is overwhelming, and I have to stay up all night, smoking can refresh oneself, and provide me with inspiration.
There are all kinds of businesses that Charlie and I don't understand, but that doesn't cause us to stay up at night.
We plan to stay up all night on New Year's Eve and celebrate with some firecrackers and fireworks afterwards.
Meanwhile, if you want to stay up all night, film series such as the Saw, Nightmare on Elm Street and maybe Harry Potter are sure to keep you glued to the box for hours.
Meanwhile, if you want to stay up all night, film series such as the Saw, Nightmare on Elm Street and maybe Harry Potter are sure to keep you glued to the box for hours.