Well there were apps and thankfully they've been yanked from the shelves.
Skunks are nocturnal animals — it appears to be asleep, and thankfully, its tail is down.
I got off the streetcar in a downpour and thankfully opened the umbrella to protect myself.
I got off the streetcar in a downpour and thankfully opened the umbrella to protect myself.
I am getting on the ball, linking the play and thankfully Javier is a finisher, so that helps the team.
Only the moderator of a loop can send alerts and thankfully the members of the group cannot reply to all.
Mr Hatoyama will have to find salvation elsewhere in his party—and thankfully there is some hope of this.
He was not in the mood for coyness, and thankfully Geoffrey seemed calmer than earlier in the Hall of Fathers.
When we write a contract, we generally hope that it is superfluous, and thankfully, most of the time it is.
I paused, reminded myself that trust in the group was my highest calling, and thankfully remembered to check my assumptions.
And thankfully with 64-bit values can we do so, but sure enough will we run out of space, even with those types of types.
Out of Hengkeng village, I do not know the true and thankfully lamented, or the endless beauty show and exaggerated adit.
And thankfully with 64 - bit values can we do so, but sure enough will we run out of space, even with those types of types.
I wanted to make sure I got enough on it to hit the target and thankfully it took a deflection which gave us the lift we needed.
I had the surgery two weeks ago, and thankfully everything went smoothly. Once I've recovered a bit more, I will be able to eat again.
I know someone who was working in the World Trade Center and thankfully she was able to get out, but she was in shock for days and could not even speak.
When I came to Liverpool Craig Bellamy wore that shirt so I couldn't have it, so when he left I asked if I could switch numbers and thankfully it was possible.
I knew all about the history at Manchester United when I joined and how important it is to win every tournament you play in and thankfully we have won the Premier League.
As an er doctor, the first thing I think of is how the scalp can bleed very easily and profusely and thankfully, the hook was controlling the bleeding where it was stuck.
They win it back so many times in the opponents' half and attack from there, so we've started trying to bring that into our game and thankfully that's started paying off for us.
Thankfully, I've learned to switch off and let it go over my head.
Thankfully, Jeff stayed calm and turned off the gas quickly.
Thankfully I descended from the red-hot inside of the cab and strolled down to where the road dipped into the next valley.
Thankfully, there are patches and add-ons you can use in many of these systems to overcome their bad habits.
She asks questions that are unnerving, asking Leon to be her first lover (thankfully he refuses) and asking personal questions along that nature.
Thankfully PHP has some powerful RSS and XML handling features to speed your development along.
There are many computer issues that are difficult to diagnose and correct, but thankfully, high temperatures isn't one of them.
There are many computer issues that are difficult to diagnose and correct, but thankfully, high temperatures isn't one of them.