Daniel: [Eulogy] we're just thrown here together in a world filled with chaos and confusion... with death always lingering around the corner... And we do our best.
We do our absolute best with a piece of writing, and come as close as we can to the ideal.
They believe that the best we can do is keep it at a reasonable level, and at present the only serious option for doing this is cutting back on our carbon emissions.
Now, none of us want to be in the situation where we can't get into our own home, but do take time to think where the best and safest place is to leave your spare keys.
The accident has already taken place and we will do our best to help him.
As members, we should try our best to do what we should do to make the world better and better.
"Our... findings confirmed what most parents already believe," Epstein writes, "that the best thing we can do for our children is to give them lots of love and affection."
Our children will inherit a world of fierce global competition, and we need to do our best to prepare them.
And yet, as human beings, we are limited. Even our best efforts do not guarantee healing.
Again, we can do this by using our enviable technical expertise to guide the global agenda and ensure that the best practices that science can devise are being followed.
We did try to do our best and when we did fail, we tried to do it gracefully or at least humorously.
At the end of the day, self-awareness is our best friend. If we listen to our gut, trust our instincts, and do the hard work, we can all realize our full potential.
At the end of the day, self-awareness is our best friend.If we listen to our gut, trust our instincts, and do the hard work, we can all realize our full potential.
We will do our best to answer your questions faithfully and factually.
When we see others who seem under the weather, we experience a powerful emotional response-disgust-and do our best to avoid those who might be contagious.
We know that some of these are unavoidable, so we have to do our best to mitigate or learn to overcome their effects with our scientific knowledge and technological advancements.
Driven on by advertising, we do our best to oblige: we buy more, travel more and play more, but we struggle to keep up.
It is only another name for trying to be good, and the story may help us, for though we do want to be good, it's hard work and we forget, and don't do our best.
Much of the criticism we get in our life is meant to either help us or keep us safe; take "bad" or angry critiques with a grain of salt and do your best to integrate their Suggestions.
The best we can do is try our best, keep trying when the going gets hard, learn from the errors of our ways, and credit ourselves for doing what works out well.
The best thing we can do is use our time effectively and transform our lifestyle by focusing on our priorities and decluttering our commitments.
It beats us all the time - not just with eating, but with anything we try to do and end up quitting, caving in, doing it despite our best efforts.
We do our best to get ourselves in this position and for two years running we get let down by bad refereeing.
SCOT MARCIEL: "We have to do a much better job of a marketing our universities, which are the best in the world; and b changing this terrible perception that you can't get a student visa."
To a certain extent we have to accept our starting point on the self-control sliding scale and do the best we can with it.
At night we must go to sleep knowing that we have done our best, and there is no more you can do than that.
We want to align ourselves with a shareholder and partner that thinks really long term (like we do at Zappos), as well as do what’s in the best interest of our existing shareholders and investors.
We want to align ourselves with a shareholder and partner that thinks really long term (like we do at Zappos), as well as do what’s in the best interest of our existing shareholders and investors.