Anonymous methods enable you to omit the parameter list.
Anonymous methods are most frequently used to pass a code block as a delegate parameter.
Creating anonymous methods is essentially a way to pass a code block as a delegate parameter.
For use with anonymous methods, the delegate and the code to be associated with it are declared together.
This topic explains how Code Analysis handles warnings and metrics that are associated with anonymous methods.
With anonymous methods mimic the code layout of a regular method, aligned with the anonymous delegate declaration.
The biggest news is that the debugger now has support for C# 2.0 features such as generics, anonymous methods and iterators ....
最大的消息是调试器现在支持C# 2.0的特性,如泛型、匿名方法和迭代器……
By using anonymous methods, you reduce the coding overhead in instantiating delegates because you do not have to create a separate method.
The bad news is that any project making heavy use of anonymous methods is likely no longer Code Analysis clean on its upgrade to Visual Studio 2008.
任何大 量使用了匿名方法的项目,在升级到Visual Studio 2008时,有可能无法保持代码分析的清洁性。
Use empty parentheses on parameter-less anonymous methods. Omit the parentheses only if the anonymous method could have been used on any delegate.
With anonymous methods, mimic the code layout of a regular method, aligned with the delegate declaration. (complies with placing an open curly brace in a new line).
They quote an anonymous researcher who said pithily: "Poor methods get results."
No more ugly anonymous inner classes: just use closures through those shortcut methods!
What's useful about this class is that you can use anonymous classes to override only the methods you want; the rest of the methods are implemented by default.
We accept leaked material in person and via postal drops as alternative methods, although we recommend the anonymous electronic drop box as the preferred method of submitting any material.
These anonymous Loggers are not registered in the global namespace and their methods are not access-checked, allowing even untrusted code to change their logging control Settings.
Methods Data were collected through anonymous questionnaire survey and blood samples were made.
Methods Investigation was conducted using an anonymous questionnaire.
Methods an anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among 1 602 female students in 2 technical secondary schools.
方法对某市2所中专学校1 602名在校女生进行无记名问卷调查。
Methods: Ecumenical demology character and the reasons of laboring selections of 834 pregnant women were investigated with anonymous questionnaire.
Methods Questionaire investigation was carried out in hotels. After receiving the anonymous forms filled in by the target people, the data were analyzed.
Methods An anonymous survey was conducted among 502 students from a technical college selected by stratified sampling and cluster sampling.
Using this new anonymous technology into the mobile Internet Location-Based Services (LBS), this paper realizes the privacy protection by the methods of user identification anonymous.
Methods an anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among 1 650 students drawn randomly from 3 middle schools in Shijingshan County, Beijing using a clustered sampling method.
方法在北京市石景山区随机整群抽取3所学校初一到高二学生1 650人,匿名自填问卷调查。
Methods Female college students were sampled by cluster sampling and investigated by using questionnaire survey on anonymous basis.
Methods 159 students were selected in random in Taizhou Teachers College and an anonymous questionnaire was conducted.
As the constant application of the port-hided and anonymous technologies in P2P software, the traditional P2P traffic I - dentification methods can't meet the new need.
端口隐藏、匿名技术等在P 2 P软件中不断应用,使得传统的P 2 P流量检测技术难以应对新的要求。
Methods: Investigation was made by anonymous questionnaire in law undergraduates of 1999 and 2000 grades in law College of Shantou University.
Methods: an anonymous questionnaire survey was completed among 2816 students from 8 schools in Yibin.
Methods: an anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among 560 college students through Internet.