The study reveals that modern day parents are increasingly turning to the Internet to answer difficult questions from their children -56 per cent said they use the web.
One problem is I don't have a background in IT and sometimes I get asked difficult technical questions during interviews which I just can't answer.
Even the most difficult questions, the old woman was able to answer them.
As with nearly all performance related questions, this difficult question to answer without resorting to experimentation.
The rule is that the person onstage can refuse to answer any question. By its design, people are encouraged to ask difficult and uncomfortable questions.
Meanwhile, the big questions in physics have gotten more difficult to answer without spending billions on on facilities such as the LHC and the experimental hardware needed to take advantage of it.
People now answer questions in a few moments that a couple of decades back they would not have bothered to ask, since getting the answer would have been impossibly difficult .
Freud's — Freud was very focused on the family life of the people he interacted with, which is rather upper class Europeans, and these sort of questions would have been difficult for Freud to answer.
Interviewers often ask questions about how you dealt with difficult situations in the past. You've probably prepared an answer, but does it display the qualities the interviewer is looking for?
As pointed out above, Bungee Product Owners that can only attend sprint planning and review meetings will find it difficult to answer questions promptly and thoroughly.
You may find it difficult to answer these questions, especially when trying to articulate exactly what your products and services are. Dig deeper for your answers.
也许你会感觉要回答这些问题很难,尤其在你想要确切说出自己的产品和服务的时候。 请深入去挖掘你的答案。
These are questions which it is difficult to answer. For the facts seem to contradict themselves.
Finding the answer to these tough questions makes a difficult puzzle even for a large-brained, problem-solving species like your own.
If you apply for a job, you should be ready for an interview in which you often have to answer some difficult questions.
While arguing, he successfully steered clear of his opponents' questions which he found difficult to answer.
He embarrasses me with difficult questions which I can't answer.
You don't want to show your strength in public, but always answer the difficult questions in the class.
It is easy to raise such questions, but difficult to answer them with any degree of assurance.
No other answer, a few children raised their hands to answer questions that they understand the answer: Stick in the end, will not be difficult to beat, simple answer to people moving.
Some of those questions might be too difficult to answer direct, but they should be answered before the end of the studies.
Some examples of questions that might be difficult to answer have to do with why you left a job, or why you had a period of unemployment.
Th ese questions are oft en asked of Rotarians by prospective members and other interested people, and they are difficult to answer effectively in a few short minutes.
The teacher asked me some difficult questions and I couldn't answer all of them.
He is a living, but is a literary man, with a difficult problems often are asking questions, unity and coherence in writing, no matter, he is asked to answer.
I know that these questions are difficult to answer at this time, because just now we only focus on facts and some specific information.
I know that these questions are difficult to answer at this time, because just now we only focus on facts and some specific information.