Apple said in a press release that it plans to preview new features and APIs for its next-generation operating systems iPhone 3.0 and Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
苹果公司在一份新闻稿中表示,它计划为下一代操作系统iPhone 3.0和MacOSXSnow Leopard预览新功能和APIs 。
An easier approach, the Apple engineer indicated, would be to add the iPhone OS as a layer on top of OS x, similar to Apple's Front Row experience.
When Apple licensed Microsoft's ActiveSync for use in iPhone OS, it also licensed it for use in Mac OS X (although this wasn't disclosed initially).
Lion -- you can also refer to it as OS X 10.7 -- is the first update to the Mac's core software developed by Apple since the iPhone and the iPad upended the mobile-gadget market.
Lion 代号OSX 10.7,是苹果自iPhone和iPad在移动设备领域独领风骚以来,首次对Mac操作系统进行的核心升级。
Lion -- you can also refer to it as OS X 10.7 -- is the first update to the Mac's core software developed by Apple since the iPhone and the iPad upended the mobile-gadget market.
Lion 代号OSX 10.7,是苹果自iPhone和iPad在移动设备领域独领风骚以来,首次对Mac操作系统进行的核心升级。