Much like with the current battery life situation, Apple promised a software update that would fix the issue.
The software update (4.0.1) released yesterday will take care of the error in the signal calculation algorithm that Apple discovered several weeks ago.
Apple said the free software update will feature a redesigned menu that will make it easier for users to find and download movies, television shows, podcasts and songs from the iTunes store.
公司称,这款免费下载的升级软件的特色是采用重新设计的菜单,这将使用户更容易从itunes store在线商店查找和下载电影、电视节目、播客和歌曲等。
Apple may attempt to alleviate what iPhone 3g users have perceived to be connectivity problems by way of a software update instead of a recall, which would take a significant chunk from its profits.
苹果可能要平息iphone3g用户的不满,因为苹果将通过软件升级解决iphone 3g的连接缺陷问题,而不是进行召回。如果要召回,将会给苹果公司带来巨大损失。
Apple acknowledged that holding the iPhone 4 could weaken the cellular signal, then a week later claimed that the iPhone 4's signal formula was flawed and promised to update the software.
苹果承认,握住iPhone4可能会减弱手机信号,此后一周苹果声称iPhone 4的信号机制有缺陷并承诺更新软件。
RealNetworks in 2004 released Harmony software crafted to let its music be played on iPods, but Apple quickly released an update that shut out the Seattle-based company's digital files.
Apple Inc said it is aware of the problem in early October and that it has already developed a fix, but the solution will be available only with a future software update.
Lion -- you can also refer to it as OS X 10.7 -- is the first update to the Mac's core software developed by Apple since the iPhone and the iPad upended the mobile-gadget market.
Lion 代号OSX 10.7,是苹果自iPhone和iPad在移动设备领域独领风骚以来,首次对Mac操作系统进行的核心升级。
Apple confirmed the issue on its website, and said an upcoming software update would provide a solution.
Apple confirmed the issue on its website, and said an upcoming software update would provide a solution.