The application programmer doesn't have to be aware of attachments at all.
Jim, an application programmer, develops and tests the database manager application programs.
As with SAX, REXML gives the application programmer no default data structures from the XML document.
Can you give an instance, for an application programmer to handle segmentation fault and continue execution of the program?
Event APIs have the reputation of being difficult to use, simply because the application programmer is in charge of more operations.
It is necessary for an application programmer who is allocating a buffer to know how much memory to allocate for each character.
Instead of defining a parser class, an application programmer defines a handler class that is registered with whatever parser is used.
So now an application programmer can write the (pseudo) code to store a data element of 2gb into the grid as shown in Listing 1 below.
Instead of defining a parser class, an application programmer defines a 'handler' class that is registered with whatever parser is used.
定义语法分析器类,应用程序员将定义一个'handler '类,该类将注册所使用的语法分析器。
Rather than define a generic data model based on the XML syntax, the parser relies on the application programmer to build a tailor-made data model.
On the other hand, traditional garbage collectors can introduce long delays at times that are virtually impossible for the application programmer to predict.
In contrast, a unified data access mechanism provides an application programmer with a single point of connection to all of the enterprise's data assets.
This blue print is built on a platform which provides other services. The application programmer can reuse this component, thus it can improve their work eff…
This paper introduces how to develop a set of Particles system Application Programmer Interface (API) which can be used to simulate dynamic scene in VR system as a module.
The Blueprint container implemented in the OSGi feature pack is part of the middleware and no longer part of the application, removing one headache for an application programmer.
在OS Gi功能包中实现的Blueprint容器是中间件的一部分,而不再是应用程序的一部分,这就为应用程序员消除了一个令人头疼的问题。
The xmllib works by the application programmer overriding the class XMLParser, and providing methods to handle document elements such as specific or generic tags, or character entities.
Most sites like these also offer application programmer interfaces (APIs) which let third parties write software that communicates directly, securely and efficiently with the site's servers.
While it is true that an application programmer can always establish a separate connection to each individual data source, it is much easier to have a single database connection in the application.
The EJB servers provide functionality for threading, concurrency, memory management, and security and do these things automatically so as not to burden the application programmer with the details.
Application code is best developed by the programmer; how to display the proper text is the job of the linguist.
As a programmer, much of your challenge is to cope with unceasing change: new protocols, application programming interfaces (APIs), customer requirements, hardware constraints, and so on.
You're a "systems programmer" — you write code to keep servers healthy and to supply your application developer colleagues with the low-level functionality they need.
The difference is subtle, and the end result is the same, but if you use the terms currying and partial application interchangeably within earshot of a functional programmer, count on being corrected.
Although at first sight it may appear that HC demands more work from the programmer, it is important to understand that the proxy is compiled automatically from the application handler.
Most application servers provide the programmer an environment that takes care of the session automatically, relieving the programmer from all the worries mentioned in the above section.
The upside of application engines is the fact that they completely relieve the programmer from worrying about session management.
This period also saw the emergence of application servers designed to decouple a client-side programmer from the many details found in the operating system and associated interfaces.
A programmer using GSS-API can write an application that is ignorant of the details of protecting network data.
使用GSS - API的程序员编写的应用程序可以不知道关于保护网络数据的细节。
Certainly this is true if you just count the number of lines of application code (or some other measure) that the programmer produces in a specific period.
Malcolm Barclay has a background in computers but is a self-taught programmer who saw a gap for an application that offered updates on the London Underground.