That is to say, the "special store" only applies to the number of stores in a certain size of the business model.
If you still have more than one item, determine the question that applies to the greatest number of the remaining items.
This applies mainly to vacation and resort homes, where a number of people purchase and own the right use the home exclusively for a specified period of time, usually measured in weeks and months.
The increase in storage depends on the size of the buffers and the number of queues to which it applies.
The number of rows retrieved from the outer table after the database server applies any table filters is small, and the inner table has an index that can be used to perform the join.
Instead of simply adding up the number of positive and negative mentions for each concept, the software applies a weighting to each one.
Well, that amounts to a demand that a small number of very lucky people be exempted from the social contract that applies to everyone else.
The number of additional instances which are used by a message flow is specified in the BAR file and applies to the message flow(s) in that BAR file.
消息流使用的其他实例数在BAR文件中指定,并应用于该 BAR 文件中的消息流。
Like the previous example, it USES an XPath expression to select a set of nodes, and applies XQuery functions for selecting distinct values and counting the number of nodes.
Which designation applies depends on the extent of security problems, the number of people exposed to radiation, and the dosage they receive.
Applies default root permissions to the OS partition and propagates them to unprotected children. Propagation time depends on the number of unprotected children.
Less is more applies equally to code and to the number of people working on it.
The drugs group plans to expand external partnerships and reduce the number of experiments it applies during drug development.
The method applies LDA model on temporal news reports to extract news topics, the number of topics in different time periods is different.
The regulation also applies to the acquisition of joint control by a number of companies acting in concert.
The above concept applies to the Ladle furnace as well in terms of size and number.
In literary theory, POE puts forward a great number of unique thoughts, and applies his literary theory to his poetry, which is stamped with the corresponding brands of POE.
The rapid expansion of National Economic and city population has caused the continuous soaring of vehicle number, which applies enormous pressure to the city transportation system.
Then, applies the system clustering method to divide the samples into categories and select those which contain the project to be estimate, determines the optimal number of samples.
The default maximum number of ephemeral TCP ports is 5000 in the products that are included in the 'Applies to' section.
The default maximum number of ephemeral TCP ports is 5000 in the products that are included in the 'Applies to' section.