It possesses interesting properties approximate to those of diamond.
Isotope compositions of Au ore are approximate to that in the stratum.
But as a rule the terseness and point of the maxim approximate to the modern epigram.
The example shows that the optimal results is much more approximate to the practice.
Meanwhile, the distribution drived under certain condition is approximate to that of PASCAL.
As a result, the natural piperine showed an antioxidant capability approximate to 60.05% of the vitamin c.
Rather than saying they are objects, it would be better to say they are more approximate to human intellect.
Using the dynamic data simplified models which approximate to the linear models are constructed for control purpose.
When the diameter of the particles satisfied some conditions, Mie theory is approximate to Fraunhofer diffraction theory.
So the learning algorithm is convergent and the network , which can approximate to arbitrary continuous function , is stable.
The result shows that the non-linear model should be rather more approximate to the true bedded media than that of the linear one.
The study results are irrelevant to the initial status of the network and quite approximate to the lower limit of the optimum solutions.
Presently, there is not much left of the city but a number of buildings that approximate to 980 sited on an area of 7.8 million square foot.
Its applications show that porosity obtained from above method is approximate to real porosity. Thus, the of resolution reservoir is improved.
Firstly, by translating the input variables, a generalized hyperbolic model can approximate to any uncertain dynamics by an arbitrary accuracy.
It demonstrates that T-S fuzzy singular systems could approximate to a wide class of nonlinear singular systems with arbitrarily high accuracy.
The theoretical analyses and numerical experiments on distributed-memory multicomputers have proved that its speedup is approximate to linearity.
The elliptical cross-section is assumed for the braiding yarn, which is more approximate to the realistic situation of the yarn in the composites.
Illustration shows that though there is much noise in the test process, formation parameters calculated with this model are approximate to real ones.
The American security market environment is more approximate to the condition of complete competition and still has significant market ineffectiveness.
A new algorithm for line-generating circle is presented in this paper. The circle generated by this algorithm is optimally approximate to the reference circle.
From the lectures at college is equal to, or approximate to what they had learnt from the athletics or the Greek letter society or the Banjo and Mandolin Club.
Satisfactory BTEP waveforms were recorded in all of 50 subjects. The values of peak latency and interpeak latency were approximate to the values of literatures.
The grain size of the loess is coarse with high contents of unstable minerals, indicating that the Xining loess material source approximate to the loess region.
The experiment shows power factor of the rectifier is approximate to 1 and the inductance of the DC filter is decreased greatly by applying the new PWM control method.
Nevertheless, the smaller size of sub image also results to clearer block effect, and the fusion results achieved by ridgelet will also approximate to wavelet transform.
As it is applied, the porosity value computed by the grey relationship method is more approximate to the actual value, which has improved the resolution of thin oil reservoir.
It can reduce kinds of yawp in the process of collecting images, quantifying etc. So that the information included in images would be much more approximate to that people need.
It can reduce kinds of yawp in the process of collecting images, quantifying etc. So that the information included in images would be much more approximate to that people need.