Approximation theory of functions is an important branch in modern mathematics.
The experiments prove thatP3 approximation theory can describe the radiance close to sources.
The approximation theory of functions is one of the important branches of modern mathematics.
The geometrical approximation theory of evaluating geometrical errors is put forward and modeled.
The predictive intelligent control scheme is proposed, which is based on approximation theory and numerical method of Chcbyshev orthogonal polynomial.
On the basis of the central limit theorem and approximation theory, a new implementation of the Gaussian filter by cascaded triangle filters is presented.
In this paper, the first order approximation theory of dynamic logging is obtained by using the geometrical factor theory in downhole condition and RC network theory.
Deducing the computing formula for analytical solution of approximation theory and using experiments to testify the compute and contrasting the three computer methods.
In chapter two, the basic knowledge related to panel display drive technology and chromaticity is introduced. Some terminology of functions approximation theory is presented.
The RBF network function approximation theory and method are introduced, and the method of nonlinear error correction of sensor is presented based on generalized regression neural network(GRNN).
The stochastic resonance(SR)in an optical bistable system under the simultaneous action of multiplicative and additive noises and periodic signal is studied using the adiabatic approximation theory.
On the assumption that the product of volume thermal expansivity and bulk modulus based on the thermodynamic approximation theory, a new equation is presented for volume thermal expansion coefficient.
So I hastily wrote up a paper giving the first order of approximation and showing that to that accuracy, at any rate, we had agreement between the theory and observation.
An approximation method on experimental results is presented, which converts experiment value into full scale value by utilizing similarity theory of fluid mechanics.
Theory and practical computations have shown that the new kind of synthetically approximation is superior to single functional approximation or statistical method.
A modified light diffusion solution model was proposed from a heuristic version of beam spreading (BS) model and diffusion approximation (DA) theory.
The second approximation of the solution is of the same accuracy as theory of thin shells, and the first approximation is also sufficiently precise for engineering computation.
The theory of identification model based on neural networks(NN)is to research into its capability of nonlinear approximation.
We show and illuminate that the scalar diffraction theory is an approximation method to calculate the diffraction efficiency of grating, and there are restrictions on its application.
Based on moment space theory and Gaussian approximation method, expressions of average error probability for system with multiple-access interference and white Gaussian noise environment are derived.
However, the values of the parameters of the function are different from those derived using the classical Landau theory based on the mean field approximation.
In this paper, the approximation operators and the random sets, the best parts of the rough sets theory, are studied systematically.
The process of structuring the multi-lateral horizontal well productivity formula was carefully studied, and two theory defects and three mathematical approximation were detected.
By the gaussian approximation and local mode-coupled theory, fused splice loss of step and parabolic index single mode elliptic core fibers have been analyzed, calculated and discussed.
An efficient solution method for structural optimization is proposed by coordinated use of mathematical transformation, two level approximation concepts and dual theory.
Combination with upper and lower approximation of Rough sets theory and MST algorithm presents Rough MST algorithm, and constructs certain MST and uncertain MST.
The simulated results are analyzed and compared with those predicted from perturbation theory and integral equation theory under mean spherical approximation.
The coupled cluster method is improved with the random phase approximation (RPA) to calculate vacuum wave function and vacuum energy of 2 + 1-d SU (2) lattice gauge theory.
采用无规相近似(RPA)耦合集团展开方法,计算出2 + 1维su(2)格点规范场的三到六阶真空波函数和真空能量。
The instantunous change and heat-insulation approximation, and the condition of founding them, are dissused with time dependent perturbation theory in this paper.
The instantunous change and heat-insulation approximation, and the condition of founding them, are dissused with time dependent perturbation theory in this paper.