"Are you insane? Didn't you notice there is no water in the pond?" the patient quipped.
Are you insane ? The guy was wearing an eye patch. Then why did you. He said that I could drive a car on Mars.
So here are 7 common causes and proven cures procrastination. I'm hoping these tips help you avoid that insane moment of panic.
Are you ready to consume an insane amount of resources, to have a huge impact on the environment, to work long hours to pay for all that?
You add all other social responsibilities and then on top of that the insane amount of connection that teens have - they are just completely charged, "Tauber said."
The Magic were where the Heat are now two years ago, and if you'd told me that they'd make a huge trade for Gilbert Arenas I'd have told you that was insane.
If your friends tell you you are insane, then it must mean you are not far from success!
Rachel: Once a you're declared insane, then anything you do is called part of that insanity. Reasonable protests are denial. Vailid fears, paranoia.
I also came to realize that at the beginning, no analysis can capture "what can go right" without sounding like you are clinically insane.
Ask him when he last talked about her to his friends and he will look at you as if you are insane.
When you say you are crazy about your girlfriend, it doesn't mean she makes you insane. It means that you like her very much.
Finances are the biggest detriment in this connection. You can spend it as fast as the hard working Goat can make it that drives the frugal Capricorn insane.
When you say you are crazy about your girlfriend, it doesn't mean she makes you insane.
There are five different ways to play as you choose from Normal, Wave, Insane, Rush or Creative Modes!
If you have patients that are insane, then you have a parallel life where you are experiencing insanity.
Are you sure that studying insane hours for years on end in medical school is such a good idea when already 75 percent of prostate-cancer surgeries in the United States are robot-assisted?
Believe it , unless your boss is insane or you are supers . So the beginners and those about to knock at the door to foreign trade , be PATIENT .
Mostly in its ability to clarify - to make things OK and bring you back down to earth, even when things are insane.
'Are you insinuating that I am insane?' the patient blurted out indignantly. 'I insist that you release me immediately from this institution!'
'Are you insinuating that I am insane?' the patient blurted out indignantly. 'I insist that you release me immediately from this institution!'