The German visitors arrived at the Korean company's office early in the morning and spent the whole day in long meetings.
And I was shocked when the newbie arrived at the office the next morning holding a CD of Hawaiian music that contained THAT song.
I would write a friendly message on a post-it note and then call her as soon as I arrived back at my office, interrupting her phone call.
One morning, I arrived at my office to find an E-mail from my son with the message, "Ha!"
I remember there was one morning when I just arrived at my office. A young couple came in.
Instead it arrived at the village of Saix, some 150 miles away, where it remained in a local sorting office because the addressee could not be found.
About two hours later they arrived at an office familiar to thurston where civil marriage were registered.
The White House did not budge, and when reporters arrived at Spicer's office, White House communications officials only allowed in reporters from specific media outlets.
Early one summer morning in 2001, I arrived at the office and felt a slight buzzing in my right eye and some tingly numbness in my hands, which I dismissed as mere morning grogginess.
When I arrived at the Wickfields' House, I found Mr Micawber in Uriah Heep's old office.
It started 30 seconds after I parked my car and ended 30 seconds after I arrived at the office.
He looked forward to the work so much that he arrived at his office every morning at 5:15.
The manager acknowledged that Mr. Gee was meeting deadlines and delivering good work; he arrived at the office at 6:30 a. m. , two hours before his co-workers.
After getting drunk and sleeping in his clothes on a park bench last night, Tom arrived at the office looking like something the cat dragged in.
But one morning when I arrived at the office for work, Mr Spenlow greeted me very coldly and asked me to step into his office, where we could talk privately.
At about 4.30 p. M. Audrey arrived at the office.
Being the office supervisor, I had to have a word with a new employee who never arrived at work on time.
I feel regret to inform you that your products SP-125 just arrived at my office, and the color is apparently not correct.
我很遗憾地通知你,你的产品SP- 125已经抵达我的办公室,但是颜色很明显地不对。
On the day of my appointment, I arrived at the doctor' s office 10 minutes earlier.
After getting drunk and sleeping in his clothes on a park bench last night, Steve arrived at the office looking like something the cat dragged in.
On a recent afternoon at the main Sadr office in Sadr City, a woman dressed in a black head-to-toe abaya arrived and began explaining that her husband was beating her.
Salt Lake City — When the package arrived at Thevananth Thevanayagam's office in Jaffna, it seemed like a miracle.
Really sorry but I have just arrived at the building and I am not going to be able to make the interview as there is only an elevator to the office and I am claustrophobic.
When I arrived at the office, the place was already a hive of activity with everyone buzzing around.
When I arrived at ticket office, it was 9:00am. But there have been so many visitors that it completely out of my estimation.
When the search team arrived back at the county sheriff's office in Ponca, they were met by a police forensic expert.
Each day, I arrived at the office before the boss did, and worked until long after everyone else had gone home.
A young Air Force Lieutenant had just arrived at the Base in Japan. He'd been given a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques. Sitting there, he saw a soldier come into his office.
In January 1929, a misdirected package from Berlin arrived at the customs office in Warsaw, Poland.
In January 1929, a misdirected package from Berlin arrived at the customs office in Warsaw, Poland.