"Most of the participants are people who are just walking by or are on the island for other reasons, or they just kind of happen to be there, "Alexandra Chasin, a artistic director, tells Smithsonian.
Nicolas Kent, the artistic director of the Tricycle Theatre in London, commissioned these works from different writers at a time when he felt the public had stopped caring about Afghanistan.
Sir Peter became artistic director in 1960, and he immediately had a forestage installed, like an Elizabethan apron stage.
Costume Designer: Guo Pei. Artistic director for Beijing Rose Square Fashion co. Ltd Guo Pei is a pioneer in promoting high-end costume design in the country.
A resident of Beijing, he is artistic director of the Today Art Museum, an important museum of contemporary art in the Chinese capital.
Under his artistic leadership as Music Director and Principal Conductor, the RNO in less than a decade has become known as one of the world's leading orchestras.
The short telefilm director is a control centre of an artistic creation, and the quality request to him is prime to improve the creating level.
Chen Xiaoqing, the artistic director for the film, said that while the Spring Festival is aremnant of the agrarian age, it still has a place in today's modern society.
Peter Ruzicka, once Artistic Director of the Salzburg Festival, is a sought-after composer-conductor.
Dickey is the Artistic Director of the Sing A Mile High Children's Choir Festival as well as the Founder/Artistic Director of the Young Voices of Colorado Choirs.
He continued to work as a freelance actor-teacher and playwright with both Big Brum TIE and Theatr Powys in Wales until 1999 when he became the Artistic Director of Big Brum.
He continued to work as a freelance actor-teacher and playwright with both Big Brum TIE and Theatr Powys in Wales until 1999 when he became the Artistic Director of Big Brum.