This book, then, serves as both introduction and training for new facilitators, and as a reference book for the whole team thereafter.
Informative book, language fluency, easy to learn, to learn computer programming can be used as a reference book for Visual Fortran.
As he states in the Preface and first chapter, this is not a definitive reference for any of these areas, each of which merits its own book.
Think of them as a living reference book, made up of the top sources you select on any topic.
If you are part of a process improvement effort, I expect you will use it as I do, as a reminder and guide — in fact as a comprehensive reference book for CMMI.
While this book is very well-organized as a reference, a good number of the descriptions left me uncertain about occasional subtleties of the language.
In addition to providing a fast-paced yet sufficient introduction to the technology, the book works well as a reference, and I find myself returning to it often.
The book Duke of Zhou Interprets dreams was usually used as a reference for ancient people to interpret their dreams.
In addition, the book can also serve as a manual of either grammar reference book or exercise collection.
The reference that this book can learn to consider as the code of civil law already USES a book, the teaching material that also can regard college line of business as undergraduate course is used.
Book as a formal teaching and learning are very good with the book, as the program designer's reference book is also very appropriate.
This book is a scientific reference work and was chosen by a special committee in the United States as the best book authored by one person.
In summary, this comprehensive book serves as a useful reference and practical manual for clinicians dealing with salivary gland disorders.
Many authors cite the book as a general reference using it as a symbol for the concepts of citation indexing or citation analysis.
This book will be useful as a reference for the models I'll be covering in the first month.
Data needed for the analysis of collisions and other atomic processes are also included, making the book useful as a reference for researchers as well as students.
For reference time cannot grow, best a month, because look everyday same this book and be the same as some of knowledge to nod is not easy to anybody, time grew to be able to produce cheesed move.
Thus, this book will take a more practical approach and make it especially useful as a basic text and reference for professional engineers.
Candelabras, two candy bowls as well as a Vogue and Vanity Fair book are placed strategically on each coffee table. On the ceiling is another classical reference.
Accordingly, the book is arranged so that you can follow along and create your own components or learn about different XPCOM topics individually, as in a reference work.
This book as an official self-study materials and books are very good, as a program designer reference books are also very suitable.
We think of Spectrum as an ongoing history book series, collections that can be used as both a reference and as an inspiration to artists and readers for many years to come.
Customers will book tickets through airlines or ticket agents as usual, and will be given a booking reference.
This book can be used as a tertiary educational material, teacher reference book and is also suitable for food lovers to read.
This book can serve as a valuable and important reference for the senior undergraduate and graduate student or for scientists in inorganic, structural, material, or bioinorganic chemistry.
This book can serve as a valuable and important reference for the senior undergraduate and graduate student or for scientists in inorganic, structural, material, or bioinorganic chemistry.