He was cheerfully blind and deaf to all hints, and if the exasperated missus said anything to him straight, he would look shocked, and reply, as likely as not.
Flocks are not fussy, so they are as likely to alight in a bush in a city park as on a rural hawthorn hedge.
It is not likely that, for any species of monkey, crowding increases aggression as significantly as was seen in rats.
It doesn't matter, so long as they're enjoyable, and not likely to have negative side effects, such as drinking too much alcohol or going on a wild spending spree if you're on a tight budget.
Although your child may not eat three well balanced meals each day, as long as it balances out over a one or two week period, with foods from all of the food groups, then he likely has a healthy diet.
And it's not as decadent as you think: if you're dipping broccoli in a butter-and-lemon sauce, Klein points out, you'll likely use less sauce than if it were poured on.
Older employees, many of whom may not like using computers and avoid doing so as much as possible, are less likely to embrace emerging concepts such as Enterprise 2.0.
年长的雇员,很多可能不愿意使用并尽量避开计算机,不大可能会喜欢Enterprise 2.0这样的新事物。
“They’re not as stable as a regular tooth would be, and they’re much more likely to come out” during a biting.
位于弗吉尼亚海滩的眼镜蛇军犬训练营的主人, 杰夫-富兰克林说, “军犬不能用镶满一口钛合金牙齿,使它们看上去更加威猛凶悍。 他们不像普通牙齿那样稳定,而且它们在咀嚼时,更容易被呲出来”。
The discovery was made even as it emerged that the no 3 reactor was not likely to have been breached, as feared earlier.
A sunscreen with an SPF of 60 might be better than one with an SPF of 30, but not necessarily - and the SPF 60 product isn't likely to be twice as effective as the SPF 30 product.
Winds are just as likely to be gusty at sea as on land, and just as likely to change direction as not.
And, the dangers of climbing would not likely be as life-threatening as scaling the slopes of Everest.
As long as it's just a rogue, though, and not a systemic cultural issue, then the response is far more likely to be pity than anger.
Not as likely to have after-market security devices, such as warning, tracking and disabling devices.
More than likely, a simple date-based naming scheme will not be sufficient, as these names will become too vague and unclear as more backups are created.
Advisers, subordinates, spouses and friends are simply not as likely to be as engaged - or as honest.
While the pressure may not be as extreme for designers as it is in other AD agency positions, you will most likely be working under deadlines with people who are under pressure.
Individual plants amassed as many as 211 violations and still were able to treat residue as a problem "not reasonably likely to occur."
Not as many banks are likely to fail as in the S&L crisis, largely because there are about 8, 000 fewer today than there were in 1988.
AOT code is native code and generally executes faster than interpreted code (although it is not likely to run as fast as JIT-generated code).
In several versions of this simple sequence, participants who had been mimicked were two to three times as likely to pick up the pens as those who had not.
Compassion is not easily understood or accepted by these folks, and it just hurts you both more in the end as it is likely to be used as a weapon against you.
Because it is a relatively strong type of laser, it was not a likely candidate for use on something as delicate as the eye.
"First let me say that we are not economists," Jobs said. "Your next door neighbor can likely predict what's going to happen as accurately as we can....
This is not entirely true, as some humans are gifted in many ways, but genetics is likely to emphasize one skill or the other as this sufficed to get the specimen to live long enough to procreate.
This is not entirely true, as some humans are gifted in many ways, but genetics is likely to emphasize one skill or the other as this sufficed to get the specimen to live long enough to procreate.