And now, as we inevitably say on such posts - over to you. What are your handy tips for bike home security? And have you made any costly mistakes?
"What we want to do is to step back from the abyss to say as hard as it is, as difficult as it may be, the prospect of peace still exists," said President Obama.
They say that distractions, such as playing on the computer or checking email, make it harder for us to remember what we have eaten for lunch.
But as a clinician sitting in front of a patient I would say vitamin B supplements are fairly safe, they are not expensive and what we have found here is extremely convincing.
To those I would say, of course, we will learn more as we go along, but there is already strong evidence on what works and what does not. We know enough for implementation now.
Pretend you hear inspiring music playing in the background as I now say, together we can get done what needs to be done and in an excellent, efficient manner.
We learn rules about such things as what we can do, what we can question, and what we can say.
He mentions that everything we share is in the "public domain," so people might as well get used to it or limit what they say.
As employees we know that it's easy to say what you think the boss wants to hear, not what needs to be said.
We know your feelings, and when I say your feelings, I mean your intellect as well as what you emotionally perceive.
I regard this year's report as the first part of what we have to say about health and security.
Whatever the details might be, we could describe lives and say, whether or not their life was good as a whole, what the future holds out for them is negative.
I think what he was really trying to say was: Propaganda is as old as war itself, and if we talk about the enemy in an inhuman fashion so as to build fighting fervor, is that right or wrong?
Firstly, it\'s important to say that we didn\'t show you on TV the worst of what we saw as we went through Beichuan and other destroyed towns.
In the same way as with a human language, if we get the grammar wrong and say typed '=LET 2 X' the computer wouldn't know what to do, the information is there but the grammar is wonky.
But what about when a baby chimp or ape whimpers and screams as it's being separated from its mother, couldn't we say with some certainty that the animal is crying?
Alternatives such as runaway inflation or Draconian cuts in living standards have major, what shall we say, disadvantages.
So, all this is, is just, as we begin to ask ourselves, what could it possible mean when people say everyone dies alone?
"An editor said it's just to adjust the layout, but as far as we know, it's because we need to be more cautious in what we say and what we write, " a third reporter said.
If you even bother to say 'that story has no whit of truth to it' they write that you denied that that story is true, which is not the same thing as saying what we wrote was absolutely wrong.
Compared with face-to-face interactions, online we feel freer to do and say what we want and, as a result, often do and say things we shouldn't.
Then we realize once again that we can only know what it is if we come to understand--in this case, probably, it's best to say a cultural system, understood as a semiosis, within which it appears.
As we approach the 20th anniversary of the Linux kernel, we had a good opportunity to say "enough," so that is what Linus did.
As such, it shouldn't be any surprise to you that what I'm going to do as we run through each of these arguments is to say, "I'm not convinced by it and here's why."
modern German sociologist, Jürgen Habermas, linked the coffee houses with what he called the “rise of a public space” outside the control of the state, or, as we might say now, civil society.
According to Richard, what we should be looking at is the value of the service, and reuse is only a small part of that. As he goes on to say.
It plans to use our speech patterns - not just what we say but how we say it - in conjunction with other behavioural data, such as how we type, to build up a more reliable picture of our identity.
Or what kinds of thing we can do to transform our ideas into reality and make our dreams come true. Here I would like to say something as follows
Or what kinds of thing we can do to transform our ideas into reality and make our dreams come true. Here I would like to say something as follows