Ask for what you want without using threats and manipulations.
If you don't ask for what you want, how do you expect to get it?
You may be too tired to change it up, or too shy to ask for what you want.
Ask for what you want, Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work!
Do one thing a day that scares you. Make a phone call and ask for what you want.
Part of receiving is being able to ask for what you want - ask and you receive help.
Laugh often. Ask for what you want. Hang a hammock; lie in it. Find work you love. Let go of fear.
A new era is beginning - all you have to do to make real and lasting progress is simply ask for what you want and be determined.
"I deserve success". This attitude radiates outward as you assert your right, honestly ask for what you want and need, and develop a willingness to give to others and yourself.
So rather than just creating a list or gaining subscribers and then hoping they want something when you create it, you can actually ask them for what they want and then create it.
The way you find a mentor is simply to look for someone who resonates with you, or someone that is already doing what you want to do, then ask them!
To those who call me callous for being so matter-of-fact about losing a baby, I ask, what do you want from me?
You want the client to remember what messages it's already seen and ask for only those messages past the ones it already has.
Here's my simple tip: Rather than accusing the person of being lazy or inconsiderate, ask her for what you want and be specific.
Just like anything in life, you aren't going to get what you want if you don't ask for it.
When you're figured out what you want to ask for, do it with certainty, boldness and confidence.
This week I want you to make a list of the gifts God has given you - don't forget to include your SHAPE and the things you can't control. Ask yourself,"What has God given me for good to use for good?
But what you don't want to do is to ask another person to choose for you.
If you want to ask someone about their plans, e.g. for today (or for tomorrow, or the weekend, or next week), you can say: What are your plans for tomorrow?
如果你想问某人的计划,例如今天(明天、周末或者下周)的计划,你可以说:Whatareyourplansfortomorrow ?
Rip was written for people who don't want to have to ask What version of X are you running?
I'm writing the"What Cool?"article for the school magazine, and I want to ask you some question. OK?
The objective. What do you want to achieve with this email? Is your purpose to inform? Request input? Ask for help?
Don't ask for what you don't want just to test them, or it will come back on you.
Do not be afraid to ask for clarification of something that has been said during the interview if you want to be sure what was implied, but do be polite.
You can get what you want on Monday if you ask for it the right way.
You can get what you want on Monday if you ask for it the right way.