And the way you show respect for a philosopher is by taking those arguments seriously and asking yourself, do they work or not?
The boss just acted as a taskmaster but mostly got in the way with a lot of pressure and asking for time-consuming reports.
I decided the best way to reverse this habit was to start asking for my friends, families, and wife's opinion on everything I do.
One way to help ensure this is asking for the quietest room possible when making hotel reservations, away from the parking lot, elevators and other noisy, high-traffic areas.
If you have trouble communicating what you want or asking tough questions, regular writing will give you a mind for structuring words quickly to achieve the desired affect in a diplomatic way.
The concept "security through obscurity" is well known—and well derided—because doing things in an obscure way, hoping that no one will get wise to your method, is just asking for problems.
Start asking them about feelings and the next thing you'll see is their credit-card receipt for a one-way ticket to Rio.
I can't stress enough that the workplace is a competitive environment, and while there is nothing wrong with asking for a raise, demanding one can backfire in the worst kind of way.
Do you thinks asking other people for help is the best way to overcome her difficulties?
In evaluating the country's prospects, it's worth asking what it would take for Greece to pay all of its bills and what kind of damage we might expect along the way.
The best way to get someone to help is by calmly explaining the situation, giving details, and being clear about what you're asking for.
Do you think asking other people for help is the best way to overcome his difficulties?
Do you think asking other people for help is the best way to overcome your difficults?
What we are asking for in that question is evidence, a set of references to the conventions of symbolism, or to the author’s biography, laid out in such a way as to make the interpretation compelling.
Do you think asking other people for help is the best way to overcome your difficulties?
Saying what you don't want may seem more polite -- after all, it doesn't put your partner on the spot the way asking for exactly what you want does.
The smart ones will just assume at the outset that they will have to invest way more money than you are asking for.
All I want to do is just to show my care for others, and I hope to be treated in the same way by others. I am not asking too much.
The first step is to really understand how our higher self communicates with us by centering our bodies, asking ourselves the directions for "yes" and "no, " and noting which way our body moves.
The first, and perhaps most obvious way to get clients from twitter is to respond to people who are asking for help.
No one is asking for the all-is-lovely school of biography, but a lot more horticulture and a bit more understanding of the man beneath the tricky exterior would go a long way.
Do you think asking people for their opinions is the only way to solve your problems?
Nieque devoted himself to seek Tao for some time but failed to get it. Therefore, he visited to Beiyi asking for the right way.
Sometimes the simplest way to get the ball rolling is by asking for help.
In a way, women were asking for men to be poets and driving, passionate lovers at the-same time.
Do you thinks asking other people for help is the best way to overcome her difficulties?
你认为请别人帮忙是她克服困难的最好办法吗? ?
Do you think asking other people for help is the best way to overcome your difficults?
你认为请别人帮忙是克服困难的最好办法吗? ?
It's all good to ask people for guidance but asking them for the "best line" or "best forwarder" etc is not always the way forward.
So, this is, by the way, in case you are asking what is…what is in it for us, for…in the, you know.
So, this is, by the way, in case you are asking what is…what is in it for us, for…in the, you know.