The results of vitro rapid propagation of Dendrocalamus asper are reported in this paper.
Dipsacus asper. is an important and common traditional Chinese medicine, has a long application history on clinical.
The current research showed Dipsacus asper. has multiple pharmaco-activities, and the main effective part is the saponins.
Before the word aspros came to Greek it had actually been Latin asper meaning "rough" and was applied to the uneven surfaces of carvings and the faces stamped on COINS.
Meaning on the bottom is mud, then a layer of something they presume to be oil, and on top of that a two-inch thick goop that Asper calls "slime snot," possibly made up of oil and bacteria.
Meaning on the bottom is mud, then a layer of something they presume to be oil, and on top of that a two-inch thick goop that Asper calls "slime snot," possibly made up of oil and bacteria.