What does assertiveness training inculcate?
GE India provides its female staff with assertiveness training.
Some people think that assertiveness training turns nice, accommodating people into complainers or calculating manipulators.
Underlying assertiveness training, obviously, is the belief that we are all created equal and should treat each other as equals.
Separate chapters discuss skill building exercises relevant across a wide range of disorders, for example assertiveness training.
Assertiveness training can reduce stress by teaching you to stand up for your legitimate rights without bullying or being bullied.
"So, tell me, what exactly is this BIG surprise?" she asks in a voice that would make her 13 assertiveness training instructor proud.
Assertiveness training might be offered through your employer, your university or a private consultant. It might even be offered through distance learning on the Internet.
Participate on interdisciplinary team that uses multiple modalities such as individual and group psychotherapy, assertiveness training, music and/or art therapy, and nutritional education.
If you are highly motivated, you could read and learn about how to become more assertive independently. Probably the best way to build assertiveness is a good assertiveness training workshop.
If you are highly motivated, you could read and learn about how to become more assertive independently. Probably the best way to build assertiveness is a good assertiveness training workshop.