For instance, a device serial number field could contain the manufacturer's serial number, an asset tag number issued by the organization that installs it, or something completely different.
Searching for an Asset: a developer searches through a repository for a specific category of Asset, a specific tag, or a keyword.
You need to know some attributes of the asset associated with the RTLS tag so that intelligent business rules can determine what action might need to be performed.
The purpose of the iteration record is to allow you to "tag" other test assets in a way that associates the asset with a specific test cycle.
The mapping of tag ID to asset ID needs to be performed.
First, notice that the RTLS provider will report the location of a tag (by id) for which you will need to update the location of an asset (by id) in Maximo. The following assumptions are made.
Query Maximo with the id of the RTLS-provided tag to get the asset information.
Aside from asset names, you can type object types, paths or tag names to instantly find matching assets.
Aside from asset names, you can type object types, paths or tag names to instantly find matching assets.