An asterisk wildcard is not supported as the first character in a text search term, however.
File extensions are preceded with the asterisk wildcard character, and are delimited in the list of file extensions by a semicolon.
If you know part of the name of the artifact that you are looking for but not what the name begins with, you can use the asterisk as a wildcard.
Within items, the path location expression then USES an asterisk to perform a wildcard NameTest to match on all child elements below - items.
在items中,路径位置表达式使用星号作为通配符nametest匹配所有子元素below- item。
Within items, the path location expression then USES an asterisk to perform a wildcard NameTest to match on all child elements below - items.
在items中,路径位置表达式使用星号作为通配符nametest匹配所有子元素below- item。