Tafari Assefa now plays his drums in a band at the bar of the Jupiter Hotel, one of the newer establishments in Addis Ababa, the capital.
For instance, if I was planning a trip and was researching hotels and tourist attractions at the same time, I could clip the hotel data into one book and store the touristy information in the other.
“The NYPD need to speak with you about an incident in thecity at a hotel, ” one of the cops told him.
One night in 2004, I found myself at the reception desk of a filthy hotel in Wolverhampton.
At present, the majority of hotel loyalty schemes establish little more than a transactional relationship with customers, one that works only as long as the customer values the benefits.
One day after a meeting held at the Chinese Institute of Electronics, I decided to take a nice walk east along Yuyuantan Nanlu to return to the hotel.
We recently spoke with one general manager who was attending a meeting, who chose not to book the group rate at the hotel.
But as a manager at one five star hotel explained, that is not the whole story.
Go to the Shanghai world Financial Center - one of the tallest buildings in the world - and you can stay at a Park Hyatt Hotel with a lobby on the 79th floor.
Tafari Assefa now plays his drums in a band at the bar of the Jupiter Hotel, one of the fancier newer establishments in Addis Ababa, the capital.
Go to the Shanghai world Financial Center -one of the tallest buildings in the world -and you can stay at a Park Hyatt Hotel with a lobby on the 79th floor.
Established in 1797, the historic building lays claim to at least one eternal occupant named Rachel, a civil war nurse who lived at the hotel during the bloody battle.
The house in Romulus was one of dozens REDC auctioned on March 30th at a hotel in nearby Dearborn.
At a nearby hotel one of the doormen buttons Porter's top shirt button and slips on his clip-on tie.
These days, however, it seems that camping has taken on a whole new look – something like fresh air accompanied by all the luxuries one could expect at a four-star hotel.
One evening some of the country’s wealthier businessmen spoke of the country’s future as we sat together at a bar in Cairo’s Four Seasons Hotel.
I never remember to pack a toothbrush. At every hotel, I go to the front desk to get a new one.
'Business won't come back for one year at least,' said Vijay K. Hegiste, who owns a tobacco shop around the corner from the Taj hotel.
在泰姬陵酒店旁的街角上经营香烟店的Vijay K .Hegiste说,估计生意至少要一年才能恢复正常。
It includes the slowest turn in all of F1, the hairpin at Grand Hotel, where cars slow to 40 MPH, and one of the fastest, a flat-out sweeper through a tunnel taken at 160 MPH.
Our first day at a resort my wife and I decided to hit the beach. When I went back to our room to get something to drink, one of the hotel maids was making our bed.
Yes, I'd like to stay at a hotel near the beach. Would you recommend one?
Even in a small hotel where only one or two people work at the front desk, their jobs resemble those in a large hotel employing many more people.
On the fourth, he stopped at a small family-run hotel that cost 15 yuan for one night.
On the fourth, he stopped at a small family-run hotel that cost 15 yuan for one night.