No one at the Source, a crowded Toledo job bank and training center, sees the glass industry as an elixir for 11%-plus joblessness.
With no employment options beyond her job sorting discarded paper and glass at a recycling center, she earns a sub-minimum wage salary of 10,000 pesos (US$4) a day.
她目前从事的工作是在一个回收中心整理废纸和废旧玻璃,除此之外并没有其它就业选择。 现在,她每天挣得的工资为1万比索(合4美元),这一数字甚至低于当地最低工资水平。
"They did a fantastic job," said Bernard Monaghan, known as Brian, whose son Brian Patrick Monaghan, 21, a carpenter, died at the World Trade Center.
The husbandposts the requirements to a job website that is subsequently accessedby unemployed and illiterate women at a community center.
A year later, he found another job, at roughly half the pay, managing a call center in New Jersey.
一年后,他找到了另一份工作,差不多一半的钱,管理一个新泽西(New Jersey)的呼叫中心。
In the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, Jeffrey Jones, 40, has found no work since losing his job as a cook at a senior center in October.
Back at my first job, situated strategically in the center of a shoppers' haven, I was exposed to the lure of beautiful pieces of clothing every single day.
In July, a receptionist in Minnesota claims she was fired from her job at the hospital's Cancer Center because she smelled of smoke at work.
Mallett, 60, said one afternoon as he sat at a hiring center, waiting to hear about a job hauling sand and water to fracking sites.
The plan is to do a better job of that Saturday night in Game 4 at the Ford Center. The Lakers lead the best-of-seven series, 2-1.
The plan is to do a better job of that Saturday night in Game 4 at the Ford Center. The Lakers lead the best-of-seven series, 2-1.