Few will expect to pick up a longish book on the topic by a non-economist and devour it almost at a sitting.
It's like saying you're going to taste 57 bottles of vintage Bordeaux at a sitting or test drive 57 sports cars on Saturday.
They covertly observed Lauren, who was sitting between Ned and Algie at a nearby table.
Lady Mi was holding Ah Dou and sitting at the base, near a dry well, weeping.
Lehrer says he has taken all this on board, and despite his inherent shyness, when he's sitting next to strangers on a plane or at a conference, forces himself to initiate conversations.
"I remember sitting on a bench with my aunt at a yoga studio," she said, "and having a moment of clarity right then and there: Yoga is saving my life."
He would rather be a plumber's mate and do a real job that requires doing than learning about hydrostatics sitting at a desk, without understanding what practical use they are going to be.
At first the project started as a way to keep patients busy in the afternoon, rather than have them sitting around smoking.
As soon as I walked in the restaurant, I saw him sitting by himself at a table, twirling an unlit cigarette through his fingers like a miniature baton.
I was just sitting there, minding my own business, when a man started shouting at me.
We come upon a small caravan camper with its door open to a late-middle-aged Scottish couple, sitting at a folding table, taking tea and biscuits.
I don't really remember working—of course I was a student—or sitting around at home very much.
One evening, as he was sitting in his room, there was a gentle knocking at the door.
We are sitting here, looking at a great visual portrayal of the Myth of the Birth of Venus.
I'm currently sitting alone at a table outside the Black Cat Cafe, listening to the rain and watching people passing by.
Many people think that ATC consists of a row of controllers sitting in front of their radar screens at the nation's airports, telling arriving and departing traffic what to do.
Whether you're unpacking a new PC or sitting down at a new office system, you're more than likely going to find some annoying software.
I am on a hot August afternoon, sitting in a Starbucks that two years ago opened a block away from the Theresa, snatching at memories between sips of high-priced coffee.
He climbed over, approached the ell, and looked in at the sitting-room window, for a light was burning there.
Says Korn/Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey: "I can't think of a single search I've done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first."
It's not unusual to be sitting in a restaurant and to look across at the next table and see film stars and directors with their friends.
At two o'clock one morning, a man was still sitting at a table in the restaurant.
If you're a student who chooses to study while sitting at a table in a busy shopping center, don't worry about it.
They love doing things together, such as going to movies and concerts, shopping, or just sitting at a small cafe.
It is sitting at a record low against the euro and at a 30-year low against the Canadian dollar.
Kate is sitting alone while her kids at a nearby table are chatting happily.
A young couple sitting nearby looked at the 24-year-old's childish behavior with pity.
They found a young boy sitting on the sidewalk by himself at night.
They found that two hours of sitting before a bright screen at night reduced the sleep chemical levels by about 22%.
After arriving at the park, Bob saw an old woman sitting on a bench (长椅) .