Much of the potential for European economic development lay in what at first glance would seem to have been only sleepy villages.
Around streetlights in leafy suburbs, what often seems like a moth at first glance may, in fact, be a small bat.
But as science probes deeper into these eccentricities, it is becoming clear that behaviours and attributes that seem frivolous at first glance often go to the heart of what it means to be human.
Before you head out for dinner, try a glance through the pantry first, and see what creative meal you can come up with at home.
What were once "best practices" over time become merely "practices" and eventually they become anti-patterns — practices that look good at first glance but are actually destructive.
At first glance it may seem innocent, but after deeper consideration we realize something’s not quite right, we might feel like we’ve been hit by something but we’re not sure what.
My planning didn't worked out - I got even more contracts plus the planned articles, conferences and books: - then the years before, what seems to be not logical at the first glance.
He lays out a surprisingly practical plan for what he would do: "at first glance, the whole problem with plundering is one of scale," he says.
Pain, like joy, creates an atmosphere. Into the house, you can know at the first glance what it is the tone of love or despair.
Things aren't always what they appear to be at first glance, so it's a good idea to give something a chance, even if its outward appearance isn't immediately attractive.
What 's wrong with this picture? At first glance, it seems like not much, as the young man is dressed in a dapper suit and tie.
At first glance, what appear to be oddly formless, dark shapes hang from a mobile, floating in the air like unlikely spirits, with a mixture of grace and awkwardness.
The common explanation, which describes the ground as what has a consequence, seems at first glance more lucid and intelligible than the preceding definition in logical terms.
The common explanation, which describes the ground as what has a consequence, seems at first glance more lucid and intelligible than the preceding definition in logical terms.