1895 - Swan Lake, with music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, is first performed at full length in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Two were lying at full length a little distance away, while a fourth was trying to decipher a letter and had drawn close to the light.
In that room, which was lighted by a tallow candle standing on the chimney-piece, there were three men, one standing erect, another kneeling, and one lying at full length, on the floor in his shirt.
At item No. 63, China comes into the picture in the form of a slim, full-length red dress with long sleeves and a rounded collar and golden embroidery.
The full-length songs stream at something less than CD quality (128 kilobits per SEC.), but it's good enough on a computer.
The house's ability to rotate is thus limited only by the length of the hoses at full stretch.
Take medicine only as directed, at the right time, and for the full length of your prescribed treatment.
The system can carry data at a rate of 50 gigabytes per second, enough to transfer a full-length HD movie in less than a second.
They will basically be the same sensor and focal length, but one will be tasked to carry full color info, the other will capture only black and white but will be better at low light situations.
A full-sized length of casing placed at the bottom of the casing string that is usually left full of cement on the inside to ensure that good cement remains on the outside of the bottom of the casing.
The actual gain peak value is much smaller than the simplified mode of F-P cavity, but the effect is light to the full width at half maximum with the mode of efficient cavity length.
有效腔长使实际增益峰值比f - P腔简化模型的预测值要小,但对半值全宽带宽的影响相对较弱。
Girth flange bolting shall be of stud bolt type, threaded full length, and at least M16 for flange of 600 mm and smaller inside diameter and at least M20 for over 600 mm inside diameter flange.
翼缘法兰螺栓应为双头螺栓,螺纹为全长型,内径600mm或以下的法兰的螺栓至少为m 16,内径600 mm以上的法兰的螺栓至少为m 20。
The full length Windows at our lounge provide both a tranquil view of the garden as well as bustling city views.
The plug surface pressure profiles for the full-length plug nozzle at different NPR can provide valuable data for researching the truncated plug nozzle.
Somewhere there's a full length shot of me at the party in the Vader suit with a working neon laser sword that one of the tech guys built for me just for the party.
Asymmetrical hem hits above the knee at front and is full-length at back.
As there is a full-length mirror at the entrance of the dining hall rather than in our dormitory, when I had an attractive new one-piece dress on, I would always wish to look at myself in the mirror.
I looked at Dan, stretched full length on the backyard grass.
Clos des menuts, among Saint-Emilion's best grand crus, produces wines for ageing , that are at the same time fine and full-bodied, rich and delicate, with a good length.
Clos des menuts, among Saint-Emilion's best grand crus, produces wines for ageing , that are at the same time fine and full-bodied, rich and delicate, with a good length.