We can't finish before next Friday at the earliest.
That would be October at the earliest.
Some say that will not happen until the final quarter of next year, at the earliest.
At the earliest, normal train service is not expected to resume for three to five days.
Miss Ball appears to have pulled on her trainers at the earliest possible opportunity.
Crowley concludes by saying another meeting will be convened at the earliest opportunity.
Starting at the earliest age, we desire the feeling of being accepted, loved and appreciated.
If you get advisers at the earliest stage, offer them something in the range 1 to 2% of the company.
如果是创业早期的顾问,提供1 - 2%的公司股权。
So we're at the earliest stages of discovery about basic genes, components and life on this planet.
However, this takes time, and the full impact isn't likely to come about until 2008 at the earliest.
If the White Paper is passed through the Houses of Parliament, work will not start until 2017 at the earliest.
If the technology is going to be a bottleneck, then try to figure that out and discard it at the earliest.
But most economists predict that Spain will not emerge from recession until the middle of 2010 at the earliest.
Britain however, lengthened its restrictions again on Monday 19th, to 1am on Tuesday 20th at the earliest.
Police of the two countries are willing to strengthen cooperation to find out the truth at the earliest date.
It is hoped that all the parties concerned could make active efforts to resume the six-party talks at the earliest date.
But with no rains likely for weeks at the earliest, and then only the short rains, the situation is worsening by the day.
First delivery of the ARJ21 is expected to take place in the third quarter of 2011 at the earliest, after delays caused by design issues.
For those languages that are human translated today, a human translator will continue to translate the entry at the earliest possible time.
DECC has now admitted that the decision to pick a winner has been delayed and will not take place until the autumn of 2010 at the earliest.
Andy Maguire of Boston Consulting Group thinks it is hard to see assets under management regaining the levels of 2007 until 2013 at the earliest.
Nobody knows yet what features the system will contain or exactly when it will be released (current speculation points to next spring at the earliest).
Paragon officials say future testing of the "Lunar Oasis" will be driven by Odyssey's flight schedule, which will not happen until 2012 at the earliest.
Regular eye exams give your eye care specialist a chance to help you correct or adapt to vision changes, as well as detect eye problems at the earliest stage.
Give users the minimum amount of access to functions and modules that allow them to do their jobs, and take away that privilege at the earliest convenient time.
Give users the minimum amount of access to functions and modules that allow them to do their jobs, and take away that privilege at the earliest convenient time.