They were rowed out and slumped over their OARS at the finish line.
And in the long run, who will be the last ones standing at the finish line?
Instead, she said she'll be cheering at the finish line for some friends in the race.
Give heed to my call and we meet at the finish line in great jubilation, as said before.
And the control method is similar to sleepwalk Mr. Remove the obstacles in the road, at the finish line.
Many locals joined in the event and arrived at the finish line after walking a distance of 18 kilometers.
Free care will be provided at the start, along the way and at the finish line for all participants as needed.
In the end, only the results at the finish line determine if you have bet on the right horse or the wrong horse.
The picture presents a young runner who just finishes a long run and arrives at the finish line, sweating and smiling.
A rider recovers at the finish line following stage 17 of the Tour DE France on July 22, 2010 in Col du Tourmalet, France.
Six of the eight contestants in the women's 800m in Amsterdam 1928 collapsed of heat exhaustion at the finish line and the event was not run again until 1960.
There will be Gatorade Sport Drink at the finish line and at the kayak check point for those in the Eco Adventure, but please try to remember the purpose of this event.
Along the curves and bumps in my life journey, I have been fortunate to have mentors to steer me in the right direction, to get me back on track and to cheer me on at the finish line.
It took nine hours, 48 minutes and 52 seconds, but former sumo wrestler Kelly Gneiting succeeded in crossing the finish line at the L.A. Marathon on Sunday - and earned his spot in the record books.
Interestingly, they acted like most first-time racers - excited to get their race souvenir T-shirt, nervous at the start, and thrilled to cross the finish line.
That's because runners sometimes continue eating at high-mileage levels after crossing the finish line.
Looking at Listing 8, I get the feeling that I'm almost to the finish line.
Script Frenzy sets the finish line at 100 pages. The reason for this is because it's a nice round number, and also towards the lower end for a finished script.
Top-ranked German cyclist Judith Arndt is most famous for a photo of her flipping the bird at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens as she crossed the finish line to earn a silver medal.
Without training, you will not be able to anticipate how your enemy will hit you. You will trip at that hurdle. Your knees will buckle before you hit the marathon's finish line.
Without training, you will not be able to anticipate how your enemy will hit you. You will trip at that hurdle. Your knees will buckle before you hit the marathon's finish line.
All participants, their relatives and friends are suggested to arrive at the start or finish line by bus, to avoid temporary control on traffic.
Swimmers are the only racing competitors who don't cross a finish line. Instead they have electronic touch boards at the end of each pool lane that will accurately record the end of each length.
Swimmers are the only racing competitors who don't cross a finish line. Instead they have electronic touch boards at the end of each pool lane that will accurately record the end of each length.