His followers melted away at the first sight of danger.
The saying that… comes to me at the first sight of this topic.
Many parents worry if they aren't overwhelmed by adoration at the first sight of their newborn baby.
I fell in love with Common Talk Weekly's club at the first sight of its poster, and joined it immediately.
Was not the secret told me, in the natural recoil of my heart, at the first sight of him, and as often as I have seen him since?
A vast herd of horses appeared below them. There were riders too, a score or more, but they turned and fled at the first sight of the dragon.
When first day I came to University, I really feel that the school is very good, but at the first sight of the dormitory, something disappointing come up to me!
At the first sight of highlight, I was deeply enchanted with a long and continuous white-and-grey tone. Texture of light-colored object seems bright and heavy, setting off by light.
At the first sight of Pang Chengfeng, it is incredible that he just looks like thirty years old, but is the owner of a famous gentleman brand, making tens of millions turnover a year.
At the first sight of a human face in the town, he called out so loudly that the old tree that leaned over the town square but never quite fell over dropped three leaves and an old squirrel's nest.
This molecule plays an important role in the social chemistry of humans, or the phenomenon of ‘love at first sight.
Does this mean that at the sight of seeing someone for the first time, you literally fell over?
At first sight, the law seems like just another piece of European bureaucracy: slow and onerous.
At first sight of the moon's shadow creeping across the sun, the crowd of astronomers and enthusiasts on the island burst into applause, according to the AFP news service.
More details are to follow later: at first sight it looks as if CEBS is releasing enough detail of the tests to allow analysts to reach their own conclusions.
The study found that 54% of men say they have experienced love at first sight, compared to 41% of women.
This was the first clue that out of sight, level with the window sill, was a writing desk, and that at this desk, on sheets of unruled paper in blue felt-tip pen, Samuel Menashe was writing poems.
Without the prospect of heaven and just an endless, empty void to look forward to, life, at first sight, can seem like hell.
This molecule plays an important role in the social chemistry of humans, or the phenomenon of ‘love at first sight.’
If you look at the first Bond movie to be released after Alien, you suddenly have the sight of Carole Bouquet running around with a crossbow.
Then one day in 1953 the opening of a novel popped into his head: "It was love at first sight."
1953年的一天海勒的头脑中突然出现了小说的开头“Itwasloveat first sight。”
There was a meek and mild shepherd named Bruce, who fell in love with Angela at the first sight he caught of her accidentally when Angela visited the meadow with her parents.
This molecule plays an important role in the social chemistry of humans, or the phenomenon of 'love at first sight.
At first sight, they seem to be absolutely different, but when the movie finishes, they appear similar in the eyes of others.
In company everyday friends Alice chase and followed her at first sight of college boys, spend also secretly love on the guys with the boys often the palace this.
Late Red-Hot Pokers are another spectacular sight at the end of the season, and their colouring couldn't be better with berries and the first of the autumn foliage.
Railway personnel at Hanshou Station first caught sight of the two girls taking photos of each other performing splits along the tracks.
Railway personnel at Hanshou Station first caught sight of the two girls taking photos of each other performing splits along the tracks.