With the Systems Explorer, you can look through a remote machine's file system and attach any files of interest to the Case Manager, after which they are transferred to the local system.
You know how you can click "Attach a file" and then you'll see the familiar "enter a file location or Browse.." form appear?
This is used to take an ID file and securely attach it to the database (for instance, the user's mail file).
You can browse the document library and pick the file you want to attach to your E-mail message.
In some other programming languages, you can attach a debugger to this file and then use it to view the contents and possibly gain some insight as to the problem's cause.
Be sure you attach a privacy policy to the PDF file so the person that receives the report understands that they are responsible for safe-guarding the information in the report.
Make sure you provide detailed steps to reproduce the bug, and attach any file that may be helpful.
Enter the document title, and then attach the text file that you want to publish in the document Content field.
In a matter of minutes I was able to create a pair of 512 GB volumes, attach them to an EC2 instance, create file systems on them with MKFS, and then mount them.
In addition, this method gives users of your application the ability to re-attach a new ID file when needed.
Copy the JAR file to the appropriate location on the remote computer, or even the same machine, invoke the debug server, and then attach a client to it.
The mount command is used to attach a file system to the current file system hierarchy (root).
To this end, we attach a "tee" (T-shape pipe) that permits two things at the same time: placing the output into a file AND displaying the output into the screen. The plumbing analogy would be.
为达到此目的,我们连接允许两件事同时进行的“tee ” (t -形管道):将输出结果放在文件中同时将输出结果显示在屏幕上。
Unlike XML, the vCard format is flat file, which means that you cannot directly attach information to different elements.
The labels should be validated by ECOCERT SAS, please attach an example of labeling to the inspection file.
We could also attach to eg2 under pid 1283 by first loading the file in with 'file eg2' then issuing the attach command 'attach 1283'.
还可以首先使用'fileeg2'装入文件,然后发出'attach 1283'命令连接到进程标识 1283下的 eg2。
I can attach many other types of media such as image, voice or other multimedia file into my blog entry in order to express my thought more effectively.
Seems to us we can simply grab this EMF file and attach it to a new email and the job is done.
For example, you can capture and attach a screen image that illustrates a problem, a line of code in a text file, or a product feature's specification.
You can attach, open, and remove files from work items, such as, ane-mail thread, document, image, log file, or other item.
You can attach any kind of file such as a document, an image, a log file, or ane-mail thread to a work item.
If you want to send a bug report, or have problems connecting to the Internet, please attach this file.
During a test, you can optionally attach a file associated with the application you are testing, for example an output file that the application generated.
Hotmail has detected a virus on the file you are trying to attach to your message.
You can then paste this information into a text file, which you would then attach to your response.
Besides, we must standardize the correlative laws and codes, intensify network internal system, strengthen the management of accounting file and attach importance to the cult...
To share information that is relevant to the completion of a work item, you can attach a file to the work item.
To share information that is relevant to the completion of a work item, you can attach a file to the work item.