His assistant, Hameid, one of the first local bedouin to attend university, puts the manuscripts in place.
Then, while preparing to attend university, Carey met a famous actor and expressed how she loved acting.
I live in Ontario, Canada and am in my final year of high school, planning to attend university next year.
And it will provide generous bursaries to bright people who might otherwise find it difficult to attend university.
He has taken women on foreign trips, had his photo taken with them, and expanded opportunities for females to attend university.
In China, it is the traditional for high school students attend university after they graduate from high school for about three months.
Liu hopes to attend university in the future so he can earn money to support his family and buy beautiful clothes for his younger sister.
She later won a scholarship to attend university in the United States and is now finishing her doctorate in education at the University of Pittsburgh.
Any modestly intelligent American kid from a poor family can, if he understands the value of a university education, find the means to attend university.
It may be true that university graduates generally make higher salaries and receive more respect from society than those who do not attend university.
Because Russian women could not attend university, Sofia Vasilyevna contracted a marriage with a young paleontologist, Vladimir Kovalevsky, and they moved to Germany.
May I suggest moving to San Francisco to attend university? I'll gladly take you under my wing, show you the city, mentor you and maybe make you my personal cabana boy.
A study of western states by HIS, a state-run consultancy, found that school-leavers in states that charge tuition are no less likely to attend university than those in non-tuition states.
国家控制的一家咨询公司- - -HIS做了一份西方国家调查报告,发现在收取学费的国家辍学者重返大学的可能性不会比在免除学费的国家更低。
You have made friends, you attend university and complete your studies, you start getting familiar with the place - the local shops, clubs and parks - and slowly but surely you start feeling at home.
Most students attend a university mainly to acquire the knowledge needed for their chosen profession.
He becomes an inventor and sells his inventions in order to attend the university.
My father wanted me to attend the university in our county and save money by continuing to live at home.
You mean how the university invites local residents to attend certain lectures and classes for free?
Students attend after-school clubs, summer camps, online forums and classes, and university-based "math circles", to prepare for the competitions.
Besides looking for self-knowledge, people also attend a university or college to expand their knowledge in subjects they find interesting.
Ultimately, he received a scholarship to attend Yale University.
When our talk was over, he asked me for advice, as he was going to an interview to attend a British university.
Further technological advances may one day mean that, for instance, an English speaker in China could attend a university lecture in Mandarin and have no problem understanding the content.
It may be that university habits explain this, with Britons moving out to attend college at a relatively early age, for example.
Today, the examination faced at the end of high school is considered the great maker, and breaker, of careers, determining which university, if any, a student may attend.
So Litle requires that all of its employees attend Litle University to learn about each department in the company and how it serves its customers.
So Litle requires that all of its employees attend Litle University to learn about each department in the company and how it serves its customers.