But when she started attending a class with an instructor who taught her how to modify the moves, she found herself returning six days a week at 7 a.m.
When attending a class, the urge to break off from paying attention and foray into reddit for some browsing and light learning can really effect your grades.
This Nigerian woman is lighting a cooking oven she made from mud and straw bricks. She learned to make it attending a class offered by a nonprofit group in the United States.
As a young teacher who taught polymer physics first time, summarized how to give a good class through attending a class, preparing for lessons, having class, doing after school.
No matter what your major may be, you can expect to spend between four and six hours a week for each class attending lecture.
For example, presenting at a user group meeting or attending a customer training class may lead to a customer trip.
Nostalgia, Routledge found, increases a person's self-esteem. Daily activities like going to class or attending meetings are routine, even boring.
However, in this class 'pkey' is a primary key of the event EJB, and the method returns an Enumeration of clients attending a particular event.
然而在该类中,' pkey '是EventEJB的主键,该方法返回参加特定活动的客户的枚举列表。
She grew up in a solid working-class family on Chicago's tough South Side, sitting down to family dinner every night, attending a local magnet school and following her brother to Princeton.
Tennis hopeful Jamie Hunt, 16, felt he could not become a world-class junior player while attending a regular school.
If you are partial to attending class wearing an Armani suit and a $400 haircut, this post may not be for you.
But again, attending to the slides is not a substitute for attending class.
If you need additional help, consider taking a class, attending a WebSphere conference or engaging assistance from ISSW.
如果您需要其他帮助,可以考虑takinga class、参加WebSphere会议或使用来自ISSW的帮助。
Or we’re lazy and worthless for skipping a spinning class or superior for attending three times this week. Instead, Kaplan suggests readers discuss their physical activities without being judgmental.
O. studied for a year at Harvard, attending Georgr Pierce Baker's class on play writing.
Attending a cookery class once a week and running your own house are as different as chalk and cheese, my girl, as you'll very soon find out.
Is attending class regularly and punctually a necessary or sufficient condition for being successful in class?
Some hold a positive attitude. According to them, attending art class can not only improve their kid's artistic skills but also broaden their horizon and interest.
You must notify me as soon as possible when a real and serious emergency keeps you from attending class.
Foreign military officials attending the regatta toured a Song - class diesel - electric submarine.
Before each week's meeting, every student attending the class is required to submit a short (approximately one page) response to one of the topics for that week's discussion.
Lecture notes will be distributed at each lecture. They are not a substitute for attending the class, but a help for you to study.
Lecture notes will be distributed at each lecture. They are not a substitute for attending the class, but a help for you to study.