By focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life.
If you're a reactive type of person and are tired of feeling crappy, try focusing your attention instead on things you can actually do something about.
Distract yourself. Try to take attention away from how you're feeling by focusing on everything outside your body.
"One of my hopes is that focusing attention on fructose as a bad carbohydrate when taken in excess might increase public awareness of the hazards of excessive fructose," Johnson said.
Maybe the label project manager is the source of this dilemma, focusing attention on the management of the effort as if this causes success.
Over millennia of focusing on life-and-death issues, our nervous systems have evolved to pay attention to some things more than others.
Taking a deep breath, turning away from my work, and focusing my attention on something else is always helpful.
Crucially, the researchers found that participants were far less likely to notice the fight when they were focusing their attention on how many times the jogger touched his hat.
Focusing only on private spending diverts attention away from crucial structural issues of inequality.
Instead he is focusing his attention on reviving the United Russia party, his stalling election machine.
Or improve your virtual golf by focusing your attention on the ball for a few moments before taking your next putt on the green-on-the-screen?
Currently, the attention of the whole international community is focusing on Diaoyutai and Beijing. We are expected to progress further in this round of talks.
The answer is simple: the majority of stress from all of the things I mentioned above comes from focusing on the results of our choices to the exclusion of paying attention to the process.
Like two other, nearby firms, he is now focusing Codexis's attention on molecules even more chemically similar to petrol.
Start by focusing on the breath and giving full attention to the breath as it flows in and out.
Focusing on making your boss feel at ease is a good start, since it automatically shifts your attention away from your emotions.
Reference movement gives direction to the focusing process. The individual's attention and symbolizing tends to follow that direction which produces referent movement.
As the full affects of the earthquake are being felt in Japan, so it is focusing people's attention upon it due to the vast damage, loss of life and potential for even more after shocks.
I must now describe some common sorts of so-called "internal" attention which do not involve direct reference and thus are not focusing.
Throughout this book, we'll emphasize the importance of focusing. Training and learning are not useful without careful attention to how they are applied.
Star is a sustained development and growth of enterprises, not only pay attention to product quality management, while focusing on health and safety, efforts to create a good working environment.
The researchers originally thought that swearing would make pain worse by focusing a person's attention on the injury and its implications.
In focusing on increasing profits, Bankers Trust didn't pay adequate attention to the fact that its clients were vital to its business.
Hawking himself acknowledges his disease as being a crucial factor in focusing his attention on what turned out to be his real strength: theoretical research.
My so-called poems are merely a device for introducing each character and focusing attention on him or her before beginning a longer story about them.
There are four skills to practice listening: focusing attention ability, predicting context ability, taking notes ability and thinking ability.
A child will have difficulty focusing his or her attention, if the proprioceptive system is not fully formed or integrated yet.
A child will have difficulty focusing his or her attention, if the proprioceptive system is not fully formed or integrated yet.