Another potential cost of this activity is greater exposure to predators since play is attention-getting behavior.
She's afraid to express her true feelings so she resorts to attention-getting behaviors that alarm and infuriate her parents.
The research about the time consistency of Finn E Kydland and Edward C Prescott is attention-getting after they wined the Nobel Economic Prize in 2004.10.
Question opening.pose an attention-getting question that shows you understand an organization's problem, need, or goal and have a genuine5 desire6 to help solve or meet it.
The "Price-smart affair" arising in 2005 lift a great disturbance in retail trade. Whereafter, the issue about claiming for payment for goods of providers is more attention-getting.
Architects have allowed themselves to become attention-getting artistic packagers, using the allure of fine art culture to help sell a generation of failing, sprawling settlement across the globe.
In South Africa, the situation of cycads is getting terrible, but this has drawn little attention from the public.
That country has been getting attention for its progress in reducing some of the highest infection rates in Asia.
This is getting attention. Over 100 travel companies have promised that they will no longer open up such places.
Now, at least, I have 100 or 200 people who care, so I'm getting a little bit more attention.
In the case of bloggers, we invest all of our time into getting attention, but many of us never get around to monetizing that attention.
In the past, bringing such information to wider attention meant working with news organisations and getting them to publish the information.
As interactive media expands, attention spans are getting shorter and shorter every day.
So far, while they're getting press attention, neither initiative is showing signs of snowballing yet, with registered followers numbering only in the hundreds.
Countries in other parts of the world-especially those directly affected by an increased influx of refugees or a downturn in tourist receipts-also are getting special attention.
世界其他地区的国家,特别是那些受到难民增加或旅游收入减少直接影响的国家也受到特别关注。 services are the ones getting the most attention now, because that is how developers would write for the platform initially.
Protein. Many people don't pay enough attention to getting the protein their muscles need to rebuild.
These days, it's the impending bust of the dollar bubble that should be getting more attention.
Published in December of 2009, this standard hasn't been getting a lot of attention from developers or the press.
So if you prevent us from getting hungry, our attention will be more focused on you. (which should be because you're almost the perfect girlfriend).
Vegetarians, especially vegans, need to pay attention getting enough iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and omega–3 fatty acids.
Perhaps so, but Mr Gillis, who has long blogged about the potential pitfalls of VIEs, is suddenly getting lots of attention.
One aspect of this new programming model that is getting a lot of attention is the persistence architecture.
The proof of their efforts is in the accolades and attention that open source software is getting.
And instead of a hard sell "buy this product" approach, you're getting attention by providing a valuable service.
You may find yourself asking this question occasionally, as the topic seems to be getting increased attention in the world of technology.
But once the book started getting some attention, he read it, liked it, and wrote some nice words about it in the magazine.
But once the book started getting some attention, he read it, liked it, and wrote some nice words about it in the magazine.