In his former period works the attitude to death is listless concern, but in his latter period works it is warmhearted resistance.
It is said that this joyful attitude towards death is a legacy of the Dacians who believed in the immortality of the soul and that death was only a passage to a better life.
I suppose my attitude towards death has changed, to the extent that I see it as a natural process and so it doesn't frighten me.
Traditional views think the pre-qin Confucianists school represented by Confucius denies to exist the world after death , or takes the attitude of leaving the question open.
Dickinson also happens to have the same view with existentialism on non-being and attitude towards death.
Death image appeared everywhere in Luxun's mid-term works, in which an attitude towards the existence of oneself was reflected by the attitude of citizens to the death of others.
The judgment of the offence form of death caused by drunk driving should be based on the performer's attitude to the harmful consequences and should use the "know" and "wish" structure.
Objective:To study attitude of medical students to dying and death in order to improve medical education.
Therein this disquisition explores the question of ultimate spirit from three Han-folks-related perspectives, including spirit of soul, outlook on life and death and attitude to worldly well-being.
The first chapter deals with Bi Shumin's attitude towards death and how to understand the essence of life itself is with chasing the happiness and sublime through the way of death.
The first chapter deals with Bi Shumin's attitude towards death and how to understand the essence of life itself is with chasing the happiness and sublime through the way of death.