What we call the weight of a body is really the attractive force which the earth exerts on the body.
The attractive force increases as a gas is compressed and its molecules are brought closer together.
The maximum attractive force, yield force and rupture force decrease with increasing substrate temperature.
In our team architecture, we use attractive force and repulsive force to choose movement direction for a player.
All the heavenly bodies in space like the moon, the planets and the stars also exert an attractive force on objects.
By this the attractive force of the earth was not suspended, it is true; but it was balanced by the equality of the weights.
And, that's given by the balance between the attractive force of the ions offset by the repulsive force in the electronic shells.
There are no other molecules on that side of the wall. So there's an attractive force that makes the velocity within not quite as fast.
Two passive magnetic bearings were devised to resist the attractive force between the motor coil iron core and rotor driven magnets.
The attractive force of the large balls began now to tell; it so attracted the small ones that they were drawn quite near to the large balls.
I said what hold the bonds together, what holds two atoms together is the attractive force we have between each electron and the other nucleus.
The attractive force between the dimer and the needle drew the lower atom of the dimer upward, causing the dimer to shift from one position to the other.
When a voltage is applied, positive charge builds up on one electrode and negative charge on the other, creating an attractive force that squeezes the polymer.
The computation of the attractive force characteristics of various types of electromagnets is the main problem in the design and calculation of electromagnets.
The cooperation of static electromagnetic attractive force and spring force characteristics is important to ensure the electromagnetic relay can operate reliably.
The growth of these structures was initially driven only by the attractive force of gravity, but then later there was competition with the repulsive force of dark energy.
Also, the utility model utilizes the mosquito phototaxis and the attractive force of the fan after the fan rotates to bring the mosquitoes into the fan blade to kill.
The Maxwell stress between magnet and keeper was integral analyzed using the finite element method, and the attractive force between magnetic attachments was obtained.
The electromagnetic iron-separator is a device using the electromagnetic attractive force to separate the ferromagnetic materials from the non-ferromagnetic materials.
The electromagnetic iron-separator is a device using the electromagnetic attractive force to separate the ferromagnetic materials from the non-ferromagnetic malerials.
The attractive force decreases with the distance in the same proportion as light, which, we saw a little while ago, decreases in intensity as the square of the distance increases.
The earth's atmosphere is in hydrostatic equilibrium under the combined action of the gravitational attractive force of the earth and the pressure of the gases in the atmosphere.
So, it is necessary to design a special apparatus satisfied with testing demands in order to improve the testing level of relay's static attractive force and spring force characteristics.
Magnetic Bearing (MB) is a kind of new typical mechatronics product which utilizes the electromagnetic attractive force exerting on a magnetic conductor to suspend a rotor without any contact.
He succeeded in proving that, knowing the time of a planet's revolution around the sun, we can determine precisely with what force the attractive power of the sun affects it.
Mr Chanda makes a solid and attractive case for globalisation and its potential as a force for good.
Therefore, in order to complete the task as efficiently as possible, subjects needed to force themselves to look away from the attractive-looking person.
A particularly attractive feature of the hydraulic load cell is that force calibration is not required.
It is obviously a very attractive method where stringent effluent regulations are in force; and geographical, climatic and land conditions are favorable.
Higher interest rates force bond investors to trim their holdings as the carry trade becomes less attractive.