But all art has to work on an audience, and-here's the critical point-members of the audience share things in common.
But talk radio's audience share, the percentage was small, it shows on talk radio audience appeal is gradually decreased.
To gain a larger audience share in our area, and thus increase company profits, KICK should also revise its broadcast schedule to include more sports coverage.
To gain a larger audience share in our area, and thus increase company profits, KICK should also revise its broadcast schedule to inc lude more sports coverage.
For quite a while this was masked by the growth of the audience share, followed by an ever-growing ad-dollar share, until, about two years ago, things started to slow down.
But it has great commercial consequences. As broadcast television has lost audience share, its salesmen have convinced advertisers to pay more and more to reach a given number of viewers.
And if all goes well, you get to share that sense of elevation with your readers (your audience).
After television station WACK increased its sports broadcasts, its share of the television audience in its viewing area almost doubled.
Our data show that local dailies and their websites are a potent combination, capturing a commanding share of the audience for local news and information.
Every time I get before an audience to share my family's story, I turn to the relationship I have formed with my mother in a certain way over time.
Any speaker addressing an audience is getting the sum of the partial attention of its members, while giving each of them only a small share of her own.
Nonetheless, the fact is that although many of us want to share, we want to be able to fine-tune our audience.
Before we begin, it is important to make sure you share a common understanding of the following terms with your audience.
Show interest in theinterest of your audience and they’ll pay more attention and share yourcontent.
Meanwhile, Top100.cn's riskier model offers record labels a share of a small but unlimited amount of advertising revenue, as well as market information from a broad audience.
P-Podcasting - this is a great way to share interviews and valuable audio tips with your library's audience.
InfoQ: Do you have any comments regarding the future directions of the JBoss AS that you would like to share with the InfoQ audience?
InfoQ:关于JBoss AS未来的方向,您有什么意见愿意和InfoQ的读者分享吗?
Share your goals and commitments with other people - your partner, your parents, your friends and co-workers, your blog audience, anyone - to make the commitment more real.
Creating awesome offerings is great, but unless you connect with the right people, you won't have an audience to share them with.
Show interest in the interest of your audience and they'll pay more attention and share your content.
I need to talk about Chinese culture. We have deep, strong philosophy and culture. I want to share some information and tell the worldwide audience.
If a blogger is beaten by a millisecond, someone else's post on the subject will bring in the audience, the links and the bigger share of the AD revenue.
It is a great opportunity to share our knowledge with a British audience through exhibition of the work produced here, where the essence of the work here can be used to share the experience.
The Fortune 500 Insiders Network is an online community where top executives from the Fortune 500 share ideas and offer leadership advice with Fortune's global audience.
We also share our data with publishers to help them understand better about their audience and offer them advices on how to get more revenue with their own inventory by targeting relevant audience.
We also share our data with publishers to help them understand better about their audience and offer them advices on how to get more revenue with their own inventory by targeting relevant audience.