Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency.
Automation has obsoleted many unskilled workers.
That's why automation is key to precision farming.
Automation isn't just affecting factory workers, either.
Why are people so insistent on ignoring the perils of automation?
Resisting automation is futile: it is as inevitable as industrialization was before it.
Technology broadly and automation specifically are dramatically reshaping the way we work.
The subject of automation and its role in our economy has taken hold in American public discourse.
We don't have to look further than our own communities to see the devastating impact of automation.
American families and prominent business leaders are aware that there's a big problem with automation.
The challenge of coping with automation underlines the need for the U.S. to revive its fading business dynamism.
To be sure, robotics are not the only job killers out there, with outsourcing stealing far more gigs than automation.
The new service will bring the educational consortium into a growing conflict over the role of the automation education.
It's a creation of ABB, the Swiss power and automation giant, which introduced it early this month at the Hannover trade show.
它是瑞士电力和自动化巨头ABB 公司的产品,ABB 公司本月初在汉诺威贸易展上推出了这款产品。
Companies that embrace automation might use fewer workers, but that's still better than firing everyone and moving the work overseas.
Factory bosses in many developed countries are worried about a lack of skilled human workers—and see automation and robots as a solution.
Likewise, automation should eventually boost productivity, stimulate demand by driving down prices, and free workers from hard, boring work.
If we want an economy that allows everyone to be economically secure, we need to start thinking about how we can rightfully address automation.
Finally, because automation threatens to widen the gap between capital income and labor income, taxes and the safety net will have to be rethought.
That's because there are a number of powerful voice manipulation and automation technologies that are about to become widely available for anyone to use.
The challenge of coping with automation underlines the need for the U.S. to revive its fading business dynamism: Starting new companies must be made easier.
As lives are affected by any number of looming challenges—climate crisis, automation in the workplace—humans are going to need creative thinking more than ever.
When there is rapid improvement in the price and performance of technology, jobs that were once thought to be immune from automation suddenly become threatened.
In Forces of Production, David Noble examines the transformation of the machine-tool industry as the industry moved from reliance on skilled artisans to automation.
There is another reason to explain why automation may be the way forward according to Eldert Henten, a robotics researcher at Wageningen University in the Netherlands.
荷兰瓦赫宁根大学的机器人学研究员 Eldert Henten 表示,还有其他原因可以解释为什么自动化可能是未来的发展方向。
Technology will improve society in ways big and small over the next few years, yet this will be little comfort to those who find their lives and careers upended by automation.
It can't when so many more employers have so much more access to so much more above average cheap foreign labor, cheap robotics, cheap software, cheap automation and cheap genius.
Parking rates will be attracted about $400 monthly or $25 per day, according to Ari Milstein, the director of planning for Automation Parking Systems, which is the U.S. subsidiary of a German company.
据一家德国公司在美国的子公司AutomationParkingSystems 的计划主管阿里·米尔斯坦称,停车费每月将收入约400美元,或每天25美元。