At an advanced Angle to overview the automobile market, it should be important to the design of automobile instrument panel.
The automobile instrument frame thus produced has high strength, high rigid, stable size, soft hand feeling and simple production process.
The invention discloses an automobile interior decorative part which is used to improve the expansion safety of a seamless passenger side airbag in automobile instrument board.
It is widely used for automobile, railway vehicle and power engine in ship, aviation and industry fields, robot, electronic equipment, instrument and apparatus, chemical mechanism.
The three coordinate measuring machines, as a kind of measuring instrument, become an indispensable part and are more and more applied to manufacture, electron, automobile and spaceflight, etc.
A new method of fault diagnosis on automobile electronic control automatic transmission is introduced based on virtual instrument and neural-network.
Using virtual instrument test technology on the automobile with can bus and the bus advantage environment can enable automobile detection technique more convenient and reliable.
The monitor instrument has been specifically designed for calibrating the electronic rotational velocity meter of automobile and motor during manufacture.
The paper introduces the realization of the computer metering management system for weighing apparatus of the automobile, which obtains the upload data from instrument by DDE communication method.
This paper deals with the application of CTM instrument for measuring the hight of mass center of an automobile.
本文介绍了CT M型综合测试仪用于汽车质心高度测试的研究结果。
Automobile scale is a weighing instrument widely used in large enterprise. In this paper, we describe a design method of automobile scale computer weighing management system.
An automobile default diagnosis instrument is successfully built by means of technology of virtual instrument and artificial neural networks.
This arcticle introduce the design principle, structure of the systemand accuracy analyses for a kind of instrument which measures automatically the automobile lamp light matching.
Our company specializes in the automobile lamps and lanterns, instrument platform, bumper, such automobile fittings as the mirror, extra exit ventilating device, etc. decorate one, move backward.
The whole Chinese characters display and print, portable automobile wheel weighing instrument user interface is very friendly;
It is mainly used in the area of the precision instrument, the mechanical equipment, the automobile, the parts of motorcycle and etc.
Dresses accessories belt bucket, automobile, motorbike decoration, copper body parts for musical instrument, copper golf clubs head, trophy parts body, paper pad, letter knife, ingot... etc.
A vehicle instrument are deviced to detect the automobile, then the system will grab the vehicle image through the image grabber. The image will be stored after pre-processing.
In automobile industry, precision instrument manufacturing, textile, IT industry groups. We establish a broad customer, the customer enjoys immense support and trust us.
In automobile industry, precision instrument manufacturing, textile, IT industry groups. We establish a broad customer, the customer enjoys immense support and trust us.