Competing for the 2008 Pilkington Automotive Vehicle design award, their projects ranged from a fresh take on eco-design to finding new ways of expressing personalisation.
The location of the vehicle license plate is the first step in the automotive vehicle license plate recognition system and the accuracy of locating plays an important role in this system.
The four-link rods type suspension is an advanced suspension type, can guarantee in design the better straight driving performance of automotive vehicle and reduce in maximum the load effect.
The control device is arranged to control an oxygen sensor for an automotive vehicle wherein the oxygen sensor has a sensor element and a heater for elevating a temperature of the sensor element.
The four link rods type suspension is an advanced suspension type, can guarantee in design the better straight driving performance of automotive vehicle and can reduce in maximum the load effect.
The company serves the national automotive aftermarket with a broad range of accessory and recreational-vehicle products.
For example, a master data management solution might be centered on part information or vehicle information at an automotive manufacturer.
International Battery is doing the work for the Lithium ion Battery Exchange program, which is part of the Army's combat vehicle and automotive advanced technology program.
In the automotive world, such standardization allows vehicle manufacturers to build complete, operationally ready "systems" to meet the demands of numerous drivers.
They are employed by machinery, equipment, motor vehicle, automotive parts, aircraft and other metal products manufacturing companies and by machine shops.
Inspect motor in operation, road test motor vehicle, and test automotive systems and components using computerized diagnostic and other testing devices to diagnose and isolate faults.
Now, our products are applied to air-condition, refrigerator, washing machine, solar energy, water heater, automotive electronics, electronic vehicle, disinfector, etc.
For various kinds of vehicle temperature sensor making Eg: Automotive, Moto-Bicycle, Train, Ship.
Apple is widely rumored to be developing an ambitious automotive product some believe will result in a branded electric vehicle.
With experience, motor vehicle body repair and automotive painter tradespersons may progress to supervisory positions.
We are American Vehicle Export (AVE) trading from New York with over twenty-five years experience in the automotive industry.
Since that time, automotive engineers have continued to explore ways to keep pedestrians, drivers and vehicle passengers safe.
The Automotive X Prize is focused on developing a vehicle that can get 100 miles per gallon, or 43 kilometers per liter.
Siemens VDO automotive engineer and manufacture automotive products for all four vehicle manufacturers in Australia and for customers overseas including BMW in Germany.
Mainly produces all kinds of automotive world, boat switch, vehicle car charger, cigarette lighter, fuse, automotive wiring harness, connectors, electronic controller, and other products.
Simulating computation of motor vehicle seat riding comfort is carried out and rigidity and damping property of seat optimized by establishing automotive dynamics model of seven degrees of freedom.
Reducing the weight of a vehicle, which helps to reduce fuel consumption and emissions by a large extent, has become a research focus in the automotive industry.
The primary ingredient used in automotive paints to actually coat over, protect, and beautify your vehicle is called resin.
But Mr Williams' comment follows reports in the Financial Times and elsewhere that Apple has a secret team of automotive engineers and designers working towards an electric vehicle.
In the modern automotive industry, extensive use of spot-welding in the body, the solder joint failure is the main reason leading to vehicle failure.
This paper introduces some key technologies of automotive body, auto-shape and quick-design system, including parametric vehicle body, control structure of vehicle assembly, knowledge database, etc.
The millimeter-wave band automotive collision warning radar, which has been developing all over the world, is an important part of vehicle safety system.
Faurecia is one of the worldwide leaders in automotive equipment and is focused on the design, production and sale of six important vehicle modules that represent 15% of a vehicle's total value.
Faurecia is one of the worldwide leaders in automotive equipment and is focused on the design, production and sale of six important vehicle modules that represent 15% of a vehicle's total value.