In the early 1940s, basking in the glory of chemical-based intensive agriculture, the farmers avidly took to pesticides as a sure measure to boost crop yield.
She read avidly from an early age—books, magazines, anything.
We played tennis regularly and curled avidly; we took the boys fishing.
Thousands avidly watched their town or company try to defeat their rivals.
So generally it is our personalities and mannerisms that we are most avidly concerned with.
Stephanie cannot read (she used to read avidly) or write (not even a greeting on a birthday card).
Gazing avidly before me, my teeth closing on a peach, I can hear the blood pounding in my ears.
Scurrilous gossip about the Post's owner, Rupert Murdoch, is avidly reported by the Daily News;
He avidly collected books, to the point where he had assembled one of the finest libraries in the world.
Having a great love of colours Irene avidly collected plants and leaves that she needed for cloth dyeing.
Even if Babe loads the theatrical dice, he creates wonderful opportunities for actors, here avidly seized.
Whatever the flavor or color of your local paper, do remember that these are read avidly for local information.
Children avidly look forward to the arrival of Children's Day because it is the happiest time for them every year.
So is my 7 year old daughter who has avidly watched every episode. You should have seen her face when Marian was killed.
Although Germans do not consume film or music as avidly as Britons or Americans, they are far more committed to buying it.
"Harrods? Are you sure, Victoria?" Charlotte's mother had been eavesdropping on these boasts avidly, but now she looked doubtful.
Some drugs go into fat, others remain in the ECF, and still others are bound avidly to specific tissues, commonly liver or kidney.
But for now, avidly embracing the digital frontier is the best prospect the U.S. has for generating the kind of growth that creates jobs.
But for now, avidly embracing the digital frontier is the best prospect the U. s. has for generating the kind of growth that creates jobs.
Like other women of the time, Abigail lacked formal education; but her curiosity spurred her keen intelligence, and she read avidly the books at hand.
Envoys were dispatched to China (then in Tang Dynasty) to absorb its advanced culture avidly, in the hope of being labeled as one of the civilized countries.
The most commonly used PET radiotracer is fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), a radiolabeled form of glucose, which is consumed more avidly by tumors than by normal tissue.
Like his two younger brothers, he avidly read the Peking dispatches carried in the local press, and news of the big strike in Shanghai on June third which followed.
Like his two younger brothers, he avidly read the Peking dispatches carried in the local press, and news of the big strike in Shanghai on June third which followed.